

let go 
i own nothing 
i am nothing 
let it all go 
all i need is here 
though it is not mine 
this or that to speak, sing, dance, be 
i CHOOSE which way to walk, run, fly, jump
i fall, scream, cry, break my heart, break hearts
i climb up, fall down, climb again, fall again, and then choose 
move the stone, climb over the stone, find another path
i let go
i own nothing 
i am nothing
i choose

this point of connection 
my body touching yours 
give me your weight as i give you mine 
balance and counterbalance and weight sharing 
i let go 
you hold on 
my foot lifts 
yours remains grounded
swing me in a pendulum 
my weight is yours
this body is ours 
gravity, a blessed friend 
this point of connection 
our eyes linked as you pivot around my center of gravity 
wrists strongly interlinked 
i can feel your heart beating through your fingers 

i commit to connection 
but feel like there is not even time to connect with myself 
we are interwoven links of community 
every person i pass by is... a person 
utterly human 
with breath, heartbeat, thoughts, emotions 
and a fluttering something which brings light to eyes and makes each connection colorful, unique, amazing, beautiful
we call it "shen" in chinese 

softly touch me, for i am made of delicate butterfly winds and wings
do not touch me, for i am made of dragon fire and mountain avalanches 
i can destroy you 
i can lift you up 
i can 
i choose
i am 

every single raindrop unique 
every moment different and never to be repeated again 
each breath arising and passing, arising and passing 

all i can think about and feel is mountains, forests, desert, human body, universe
battling with societal and familial expectations 
different colors and pieces of jiling screaming and ripping against each other
pulling and pushing in all directions 
thousands of small atoms and cells birthing and dying, birthing and dying
why can't i let go of this tension in my left hip? 

let go 
let go 
let go 


home- 回家啦

my grandparents boated over from mainland china when they were young 
around my age, my own parents left home on planes for america 
six years ago, i graduated from college, aimed my compass at "naked life," and left our california home to find home in eco-communities and wilderness
one year ago, i left america for taiwan on a one-way ticket 
tonight, my own mama boards a plane to taiwan 
what a long journey home, from home 
hui jia la... go home la...
welcome home in every moment 
(but sometimes i feel completely homeless)


needling rain - 雨鬱悶

rain. feel sad, romantic, disconnected, distant. desire to connect, run away, rest, stay put. desire to run away into forest or desert and never return to city stink ever ever ever again. desire to walk and just keep on walking, never stopping. desire to finally find a home and stop all this walking wandering nonsense. desire to clear out, get stupid, get normal and stupid and get job and get normal and stupid and typical and comfortable and stupid. but comfortable. desire to rest but also feel restless. feel like never enough sleep. feel like never enough hours in the day to do, learn, share all i want. desire to hoard information, let it grow and grow, spew it back out larger with gift of my own understanding. rain. desire to stick acupuncture needle into the power spot of the rain flow, and make it all burst out. let the energy flow through, and keep coming and keep coming and just let it all flow out. and then, give me back my blue. desire to run away from winter in constant following of my favorite beautiful transition seasons of autumn and spring (i prefer autumn). desire to hide from people. feeling of never able to ask right questions or connect deeply enough. how to sink needle in right direction in right energy point to access the deepest spots and make energy flow most clearly through all points of connection: which includes all points? feeling of frustration and can never learn or understand either fast enough or enough, and not deeply enough to teach it back. desire to communicate clearly. my chinese slowly improving, my english slowly deteriorating. desire to master everything. anger and frustration at being young but not really, anymore. anger at time marching on and on, endless energy stream moving all of us towards eventual waterfall of death with uncertainty of what lies underneath waterfall, and how strong the flow. rain. i want to poke a needle through this rain. i want to hike into mountains and never come back out.


love letters

love letters to the wind 
get ripped, torn, shredded and strewn all across the planet 
flying back some strange day 
to hit me in the chest
smacking all the air out of my lungs 
and lifting my heart high into sky, bouncing onto earth, and back again into my chest 
beating more rapidly than all the waterfalls in the world coalesced together into one resounding roar 
on this solid stone in the middle of all this rushing water with this beating heart of mine 
and all the shredded wind blown love letters swarming and swirling about me 
every desire to run away bites me like small fish 
small chunks of jiling falling bit by bit into wind, onto rock, into river,
dissolving self back into nothing everything love let 


thai love 4

outdoor fire kitchen fantasticness with tadam, sandot, damien, and shen outside of pai, thai with wild-harvested yummy forest magic food 
and then feet? now here in taiwan with friends and beloved darlings galore 

dad says focus, focus, focus... whatever doesn't fit in with my focus, delete it from my packed schedule 
and so now... i am still asking the same questions in different places as usual, and wondering and setting lines 
make myself healthy 
eat balanced regular meals, cut out sugar, daily yoga/dance/taiji, sleep before 11 pm
figure out focus and walk it strongly and confidently with no distractions 
besides watching the lilies furling and unfurling their big leaves to all the billowing white clouds zipping thru this tender blue autumn sky

thai micro to macro 2


thai micro to macro 1

welcome to thailand sprouts in big ceramic pots, this is where your rice comes from (3 rice plants will emerge from each pocket with so much food and protein), wild mushrooms (this is heaven), making baskets (we know where everything comes from), wild passionfruit (my personal favorite)... and china monarda (motherwort) on a backyard village slope (hello again, dear friend).