Showing posts with label covid19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label covid19. Show all posts


🌻Lunar New Year! │ Mindfulness, Productivity & Covid resources


Happy Lunar New Year of the Water Tiger!

Lunar New Year is the second New Moon after Winter Solstice, and the biggest festival in my Taiwanese-Chinese culture. Families and friends prepare and gather for weeks, and flock to temples to burn incense and offer food, prayers, and love to our ancestors. Here in the USA, I typically spend Lunar New Year on a mountaintop, offering my own prayers and love up, down, and all around.

🌿 How are you honoring the second new moon of 2022?

🌿 What cultural traditions do you observe at the start of the year?

🌿 How have your cultural traditions shifted & blossomed over time?


UPDATED CANCELLATION POLICY | For patients, please note our updated 48-hour cancellation policy. Your cancelling/ rescheduling in a timely manner helps me better support the health & scheduling needs of more people. February is filling up fast! Book here.


WILDYOGA YTT-200 | We begin our year-long journey through the Five Elements of Yoga in a few days, with Balanced Rock's 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training. Join us online. Get $200 off with code: jilingwildyoga

ESALEN RETREAT │ Registration just opened for Nature, Art, Movement & Ritual: Embodying the Five Elements of Chinese Medicine. Come join us at Esalen 4/11 - 4/15 for a transformative & restorative retreat!

PODCASTS │ Enjoy my "Tea Talks" interview with Kitchen Curandera Felicia Cocotzin Ruiz on the Herbal Radio podcast!


COVID | As Covid continues ravaging our world, hold yourself and our communities with care.

MEDITATE | Here's free meditations to cultivate inner peace, especially needed in our current wild times. Visit my Links page for more!

  • Tara Brach offers Radical Compassion, her RAIN model, podcast, poetry, funny stories, and so many free meditations.
  • Rick Hanson also has free meditations, podcast, and in-depth trainings.
  • Enjoy local meditations with Klaudia Paletta in both English and Spanish.

LIFE DESIGN | Here's two informative productivity & life design blogs I love:

Keep paddling, water tiger. 😻 May the tides carry you with gentle strength. Book your acupuncture appointment here to nourish resilience for the year ahead, or come join my Thursday evening yoga classes at Boulderdash climbing gym.

With love,


Jiling Lin, L.Ac. 林基玲

acupuncture . herbs . yoga


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Subscribe to my newsletter for monthly love-notes 



😊TeleMedicine, 🧘‍Yoga Thursdays, 🎁gift cards

I hope that you are peaceful and healthy, finding joy and stability amidst change. Maintaining your physical and emotional health is essential right now. I'm dedicated to helping you calm your nervous system, boost your immune system, and support thriving health during this time of uncertainty.

Please enjoy my donation-based online offerings:


😊 TeleMedicine 😊 

TeleMedicine plays a vital role in decreasing pressures on hospitals and urgent care clinics during the pandemic.

TeleMedicine appointments include an herbal consultation, nutritional support, physical and mindfulness exercises, and supportive listening.

Most insurances accept TeleMedicine right now. If you're currently experiencing financial hardship or don't have acupuncture benefits via insurance, then I offer these sessions by donation. $0 is really an option. $50 is the suggested price. 



🧘‍ Yoga Thursdays (starts TONIGHT) 🧘‍ 

Develop mobility, stability, flexibility, and strength in an all- levels dynamic vinyasa flow EVERY THURSDAY on Zoom!

Thursdays, 7:30 PM 
$1- $15, pay as you can

Please un-check "paying for goods" on Paypal and write "yoga."
Class details will be emailed after registration 



🎁 Gift Cards 🎁 

Want to bring a smile to someone you love, or someone in need, with the gift of health? Give a TeleMedicine session, yoga class, future acupuncture treatment, or any of our other services!



Please let me know how I can further support your health. We've moved online, but in-person treatments are provided on an as-needed basis (please inquire).

Check my blog for frequent updates, Facebook for COVID19 articles, and Instagram for live piano & more. I'm excited to see you online, and later back in the clinic! Be well.

With gratitude,

Jiling Lin, L.Ac. 林基玲
acupuncture . herbs . yoga


COVID19 news

image of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Below are news/ information recommendations for COVID19:
From Rhonda Patrick, PhD: 
There’s a lot of information online, and not all of it is accurate, reliable, or up-to-date. Here are some reliable sources that we would recommend following:

  • Medcram 
    has a very analytical and well-referenced overview on updates on COVID-19. I suggest subscribing to their channel for very objective and comprehensive information on COVID-19.
  • National Institutes of Health’s coverage of COVID-19 
    has up-to-date and relevant information on the latest research. You can subscribe to their newsletter for automatic updates.
  • New England Journal of Medicine's updates on COVID-19 
    is a collection of articles and resources relating to the coronavirus outbreak. They have made all the COVID-19 content free to access.
  • A guide 
    with important tips from UCSF experts on maintaining good mental health with COVID-19 anxiety, physical distancing, and “shelter in place.” 

Pandemic Ramblings

It’s okay to stop reading the news. Or limit yourself to just 30 minutes a day of news or social media intake. Then put a hard stop to it.

Spend time with friends online. Take a walk together, maintaining 6 feet distance. Get on the phone, and on live chat. Spend time together online not doing anything, simply being together.

Spend time with yourself. What gives you joy? Do that. What have you always wanted to do, but never had time to do? Do that.

Need direction? What are you passionate about? If you don’t know, then how can you explore that? Journal or draw. Spend time outdoors if you have easy outdoor access (sans too many people nearby), barefeet. Look at plants, then look them up in field guides. Draw plants. Find a nice rock, lie down, and simply stare up at the sky.

Still working? Working from home? How can you stay centered and grounded in this time of upheaval, and community anxiety? What grounds you?

Stay active. Free yoga classes are available now online, as well as paid ones. Don’t get mired in all the options. If you need steadiness, then just pick one, and stay the course. If you love all the options (as I do), then bop around and try everything out, so that once we’re back in person again, you know who to go to.

Allow this to be a time of experimentation and transformation.

What of health? Working from home can lend itself to too many snacks and distractions. Surround yourself with healthy snacks and distractions, then. Get up often and do lunges across the hallway, squats, push-ups… you get the idea. Use a foam roller or massage ball, and get the kinks out of your tight shoulders, low back, glutes, whole body. Stay hydrated. Drink warming teas, such as ginger or turmeric. Set up spaces for work, creative play (for example, I have a painting corner, and music corner), and movement (ie. yoga corner).

Create gentle resilience. Find sweetness, stillness, and simplicity in small basic moments. Embrace ease.


COVID19 , corona virus


Due to the "local health emergency" declaration from Ventura County Public Health regarding the COVID19 corona virus, we are postponing ALL March community- events, until further notice:

Here's some COVID19 resources

Here's some reminders about how to stay healthy, as the COVID19 coronavirus makes its way through the region:

As a reminder, our bodies are super good at fighting off colds and flus in general. 

The best things you can do for yourself is:
  • Eat well/regularly
  • Stay well hydrated
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Get some exercise/ movement
  • Continue to stay engaged socially

Your body will do the rest. Our immune systems and our whole bodies are really good at what they do.

How do I take precautions while going about my day?
  • Stay home if you're sick. This includes your appointments at our clinic.
  • Wash hands frequently with soap and water, for 30 seconds.
  • Sneeze and or cough into your elbow - not your hands.
  • Avoid touching your face, hands, and eyes with your hands.

What should I do if I am well?
  • Please do come to your appointments. Acupuncture, herbs, and yoga are excellent for boosting your immune system and maintaining health.
  • Continue with your daily activities, go on errands, go to work, go have fun, and enjoy life!
  • There are many herbs and supplements to help boost your immune system. Consider making an appointment for an herbal consultation. 

What do I do if I think I'm sick?
  • Cancel your appointment. We're not equipped to test for COVID-19 or isolate patients.
  • If you have any of the following symptoms: fever, cough, shortness of breath, have been in close contact with someone who has a confirmed COVID-19 infection or traveled in affected regions, then please contact the County Health Department.
  • The County Health Department can administer tests and give you further advice and care without exposing others.
  • In the meantime, please keep yourself home.

What we're doing in our clinic:
  • Actively cleaning each treatment room and waiting area several times per day to ensure your safety.
  • Helping folks boost their immune responses by offering holistic health care. Now, more than ever, you need this kind of care. Keep on scheduling your appointments with us.

Please follow me on Instagram or Facebook for my latest updates, or check my website.

We are here to support you. Please reach out with any questions. 
In health,
Jiling Lin, L.Ac.
Jiling Lin, L.Ac. 林基玲
acupuncture . herbs . yoga
Facebook: JilingLAc  Instagram: LinJiling