
🌻Summer Solstice, updated clinic fees, Texas


Happy Summer Solstice! As we approach the middle of 2022 and the beginning of summer, take a moment to reflect on how your year has been thus far, where you are now, and where you are going. Journal, draw, or put on a piece of music and dance it out.


Stay cool through the rising heat. Sip on herbal iced teas, or make a refreshing herbal highball. Make cucumber salads with fresh garden herbs. Create sun teas with mint family plants like peppermint, spearmint, lemon balm and lavender. Make and freeze fresh pesto. Revel in the abundance of this time of year.

Summer is associated with the Fire Element in Chinese Medicine. Move more fully into your body and life, and complete your big passion projects. As you travel into your bold summer adventures, remember to rest, relax, and create pockets of spaciousness for freeform play– and simply doing nothing. (Acupuncture can help!)


⭐Updated clinic fees⭐ Please note NEW clinic fees. Acupuncture and all other services & fees have been updated on my Services & Fees page!


The last few weeks have been heavy with the tragic loss of life. Our hearts are with their families and loved ones. In these times, it can be challenging to keep our spirits up. Here are some emotional resources:

Here are some actions you can take, from author Suleika Jaoud's recent newsletter, "Use Your Voice":

Strength & blessings,


Jiling Lin, L.Ac. 林基玲

acupuncture . herbs . yoga




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