Showing posts with label spirit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spirit. Show all posts


Nonviolent Communication

Nonviolent Communication is a powerful way of communicating, when words are difficult to form. As we close 2019 and spend times with our families in these turbulent political times, while clearly expressing both our deep joy as well as our deep discomfort, this may be a helpful practice.

The simple four-part process of Nonviolent Communication states:
1. Observations
2. Feelings
3. Needs 
4. Requests 


Moon + Ritual

How do you align yourself with the Moon
Do you have daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and/or yearly rituals

The darkness of the New Moon provides a spacious opportunity to reflect, vision, and start afresh. Spend some solo time in nature with a journal. Gaze up at the stars. What are my intentions? What am I creating this month? What am I manifesting? What actions am I taking, to create a life that's in line with my intentions, for the highest good? Take a bath. Cleanse. Let go of what didn't work from the previous month, re-calibrate, and move forward with empowered clarity. Write down solid actionable intentions and achievable actions for the month ahead. 

The fat brightness of the pregnant Full Moon inspires lunacy and celebration. Gather with friends and share gratitude, grief and praise. Share journeys and reflections since the last Moon. What has illuminated my path? What illuminates my path ahead? Place water in glass jars in the moonlight for Moon Infusions. Take night hikes under the light of the Moon. Howl. Dance. Revisit intentions from the New Moon, and re-calibrate as necessary for the remaining Moon cycle. 

I draw Moon cycles onto my yearly paper-calendar, and sync a Moon-calendar to my Apple-Calendar. Each year, I draw a Moon table at the back of my journal charting the whole year's Full/ New Moons, where I also chart my own Moon cycles, and track parallels. 

I'm subscribed to Mystic Mamma and WeMoon's mailing lists, where I receive monthly emails about the astrological significance of the New Moon, Full Moon, Solstices, and Equinoxes. They provide insight and inspiration when life gets murky. 

Everyday Lunacy
For both Full and New Moon, I enjoy baths, journaling, candles, and nature-time. I often consult the I-Ching for a "Hexagram of the month," and send my intentions off with incense. 

By realigning with the Moon's natural cycles, we re-attune to our primal animal natures, while engaging our uniquely Human gifts to conceptualize and create via the cerebral yet Heart-centered reflection and visioning process. We have immense power. Use it responsibly. Live to your highest potential, co-creating the most beautiful healthy thriving Earth- community you can. 



I feel Earth's shifting and Moon's changing tides most profoundly when I live close to Earth. Bare feet pattering across raw Earth day and night, season by season, attuned to rhythms of plants, and patterns of change. 

I currently live in downtown Ventura, where we sleep with shades drawn and windows mostly shut, as it's noisy and bright outside. 

Whole different world. 

I still track the Moon, and honor her cycles. It helps me stay grounded yet uplifted.


the RAIN of self- compassion

Tara Brach uses the acronym RAIN to describe the process of self- compassion. I find this helpful, particularly in challenging times:

Recognize what's going on
Allow the experience to be as it is
Investigate with compassion and care
Nourish with self-compassion


道德經 (Dao De Jing)

Although the Dao that can be named is not the true Dao, here’s an attempt at summarizing the unsummarizable. Below are the five main themes of the timeless classic from Laozi, the Dao De Jing (道德經), with a link to a passage translated by Jane English and Gia-Fu Feng to illustrate each theme, and a commentary below that.

Social Ills and their Solution

Enough of being superficial, and attached to worldly things and values. Let’s return to what’s real inside of ourselves. Let’s return to the Dao. Let the government rule from the Dao, and the people live with the Dao. The Way is simple, uncluttered with material possessions or preconceived notions and frivolities.


Everything is more than it seems, for each thing encompasses everything else, and therefore is also nothing. Don’t take life too seriously. Don’t grasp too hard. Let go of letting go. Don’t work too hard. Be. Don’t do. Don’t try to do the not-doing. Don’t try. Just be. When you are in the natural flow of the Dao, you are acting without acting, moving without forcing. Stop trying to explain it. You can never fully define it, anyhow. Embody it.

Teaching Without Words

Words cannot describe the fullness of life, or what is. Words reduce something boundless into something bounded, a diminutive description of something ineffable. Words delineate judgements. Judgments remove us from reality. Nothing can truly be named. What is true, anyhow?

The Way

Follow the Dao, or the Way. The Way is gentle yet powerful, natural yet beyond nature. Stop looking for it; allow it to reveal itself. Stop working so hard; it comes naturally.

Active Mysticism (Immanence)

Don’t elevate yourself in haughty rituals that seek to remove you from the world. Make life your ritual. Don’t strive to separate life and the practices that connect you with something greater than yourself. Live the life that you pray for. Don’t try to make yourself a better person. Be who you are, which is definite yet undefined, fluid yet solid. Live in your questions, which are your answers. Live in the ways that you praise your ancestors, in a path of easeful brilliance. Let every moment and action be a graceful yet clunky prayer, a life of virtue and respect, honesty and truth. Live alive and thriving, aligned with the nature of yourself, the world around you, and the Way. This life is mundane yet sacred, every moment full yet empty, teeming yet lacking with impossible possibilities, with such a rich abundance of nothingness and everythingness. Flow.  

Gia-Fu Feng and Jane English, Tao Te Ching
Philip Ivanhoe and Bryan Van Norden, Readings in Classical Chinese Philosophy
Stephen Mitchell, Tao Te Ching
Bryan Van Norden, Introduction to Classical Chinese Philosophy 


Energetic/ Ritualistic Plant Medicine

Energetic/ Ritualistic Plant Medicine
Jiling Lin - - 2015

Different types of Incense
- Loose leaf                        - Smudge bundles
- Powder                             - Kyphi/ incense cakes
- Incense cones/ sticks     - Smoking blends

Making Kyphi

- Berries 1 (powder)               - Resin 1 (powder)
- Leaves/ flowers 3 (chopped fine)
- Roots/ bark 1/2 (chopped fine)
- Beeswax 1/2                         - Honey/ wine

- Mix dry ingredients (first powdered, then chopped)
- Slowly add honey/ wine until it binds, (but isn’t wet)
- Coat parchment paper with 1-2 inches of mix
- Warm until it all coagulates
- Press flat to dry for up to a week
- Cut into small pieces to store
- Burn on charcoal

Making Flower Essences
It’s best to make flower essences when the flower is at the peak of its blossoming, or right before the peak. Go out in the morning with pruners, undistilled spring water, and a glass bowl or jar. Approach the flower or plant that you wish to make an essence of. Ask for permission to extract its essence, in whatever way feels the best to you. I like to make a prayer of gratitude, and sit with the plant for a while, before doing anything. Maybe I’ll observe the plant, draw it, photograph it, or just meditate with it. Do whatever feels the best for you, but it’s integral to establish a healthy relationship with the plant, before you try and make medicine with it. And, do not physically touch the plant that you are planning to make medicine with.

Once you are both ready for the next step, you can fill your glass bowl with water. Once again, make sure that you do not touch the plant with your hands, through this entire process. If you do touch the plant, your own energy may affect the flower essence. You can either clip the flower directly into the water, or you can just place the flower head into the water. I like to move around the flowers with tweezers. The traditional method is to clip the flowers directly into water, and cover the surface of the water with the flowers. Do what feels the best for you, in the moment. You can even experiment with both methods, and see how the different medicines feel.

Let the flowers sit in the water, in the sunlight, uncovered in a safe and lovely spot, for 4-6 hours. This amount of time depends upon your personal preferences, belief system, and the plant itself. Herbalist Mimi Kamp suggests leaving the flower in the water until the energetic feeling of the flower essence is stronger than the energetic feeling of the plant itself. She tests this by placing her hand over the plant and feeling its energy, then placing her hand over the essence and feeling that energy. Sometimes, people can be energetically sensitive and feel these subtle differences. Sometimes, this is difficult to experience. Do what feels best for you. The one rule with making flower essences is that there is no real rule. It’s an energetic medicine, and an intuitive art.

Once your essence is ready, carefully remove the flowers from the essence. Return them back to the Earth, giving thanks for their gifts. Dilute the water essence 1:1 with brandy, or 40% alcohol. (This can be substituted with vinegar too, but alcohol lasts longer.) Now, you have your mother essence!

Bottle and label your mother essence. Preserved in alcohol, she should last for a long time, if not indefinitely. Make sure you share! We tend to make too much flower essences, for a little goes a long way.

When you are ready to use your flower essence, fill a 1 ounce tincture bottle with 1:1 spring water to brandy. Add 10-30 drops of the mother essence to your bottle. Now, you have your stock essence. This is what is usually sold in the store.

Do the same thing again to make your dosage bottle. Fill a 1 ounce tincture bottle with 1:1 spring water to brandy. This time, just add 1 drop of the stock essence into this bottle. This is the final product. This is what you will carry around in your pocket, and take 4 drops 4 times a day, or as needed.

To effect long-lasting subtle change, take 4 drops of your dosage bottle flower essence, 4 times a day. It is like a constant subtle reminder to your self, to effect long-lasting change. Flower essences can also just be taken one drop at a time, for an experience, or to help relieve acute symptoms.

Some local CT “Dreaming Herbs”
- Mugwort               - Mullein              - Monarda
- Motherwort          - Mints                  - Horehound
- Coltsfoot               - Catnip               - Nettles
- Raspberry lf         - Juniper             - Pine

Plant Connection exercises
- Plant meditation               - Draw
- Botanize                            - Breath exercise
- Sense exploration
- Plant spirit journeying (see Eliot Cowan)
- Inner child work (see Julie McIntyre)
- Oneness exercise (see Tamarack Song)
- Experiment: sleep/ dream with, ingest in all forms...



The amazing Kiva Rose, on kyphi: 

A previous post, on dreamwork: 

A previous post, on different forms of meditation: 

Howie Brounstein, on herbal smokes: 


Making Moon Water

Full moon nights may inspire lunacy. How do you celebrate? Do you like full moon hikes? Naked moon howling? Werewolf parties? Song circles? Dance circles? Orgies? Moon bathing, anyone?

I like to make moon water. It’s simple yet profound, and fun for kids, too. Here’s how:

1. Fill a clear glass jar with drinking water. (I use a 1 liter Mason jar, with a cap).
2. Go outside. Place your water-filled jar in a bright moonlit clearing, where it will likely get moon exposure for most of the night.
3. Lightly cap your water, or place a mesh or cloth screen on top, to keep bugs out.
4. Let sit overnight.
5. Retrieve it in the morning, before the sun hits it.
6. Do this for all three nights of the full moon: the night before the “official” calender date full moon, the “actual” full moon night, and the night after. (Or, if you’re time crunched, then just do the “actual” full moon night.)
7. That’s it! Store your moon water in a cool place, where it can stay fresh for up to a month.

I place my moon water next to my array of flower essences, tinctures, vitamins, and/ or supplements that I ingest each day. I start off my mornings drinking warm water with a splash of lemon juice. I add a small glass of moon water into my morning cocktail, along with whatever flower essences I’m experimenting with, drinking a little everyday. This helps reinforce my connection with the moon, bringing its essence into my body gradually, as a vibrational, or energetic medicine. But, it can also be drunk all at once. It can be used ceremonially, taking internally, spritzed on, or anointed externally. I was part of a full moon women’s circle for a while, where we anointed each other with moon water, like a witch’s baptismal. Some women incorporate moon water into moon time (menses) rituals, drinking it only during that time, to align themselves with the moon’s cycles, as they also wax and wane, ebb and flow, internal fluids rising and falling, drawn like tides towards and away from the moon. There are infinite possibilities! Experiment, and have fun.

This moon water making technique may be used for making moon tea, or other infusions. Just add whatever plants you want into the water, then let it all infuse overnight, in the moonlight. Consider making other infusions in the moonlight: flower or plant essences, tinctures, oil infusions, etc. What do you associate with the moon? How about the full moon? How can you creatively incorporate that full moon energy into your food, medicine, and life?

Moonlight is said to help clear stored energy in stones, particularly crystals. You can place your favorite stones around or near the infusing moon water, for a shared moon bath. Sometimes, I surround my infusing moon water jar with special stones, to infuse some of their energy into the water. Make a total ritual out of it. Create the bare bones of the ritual: just making moon water. Then, modify that structure moon to moon, depending on your needs and desires of the moment.

I lived with two girls for a few months, ages 5 and 7. They noticed me padding out into the night barefoot for three nights every full moon, and wanted to join. So, we created a little ceremony out of it, and they joined my full moon rituals. I eventually left the USA for three years of Asiatic travels. I visited them again, upon my return. Three years later, now ages 8 and 10, they still remembered. “Do you still make moon water?” They ask. Laughing, they say, “I remember dancing and singing in the full moon, and it was so cold, and, and, and...!” It’s a simple yet memorable, fun and beautiful ritual that helps to connect young girls and women with the cycles of the moon, and rhythms of the sky. How can we imbue a sense of sacredness and magic into the lives of our youth?

Here’s some extra ideas to add to your moon water making:
- Song
- Prayer
- Incense
- Candles
- Dance
- Journaling
- ...whatever you like!

After so many years of constant change--- home, community, work, everything, week to week, month to month--- I find solace in the sky. The earth is solid beneath my feet, but the landscape looks different everywhere I go. The sky looks different too, but not as drastically so. It’s different shades of blue, but it’s still the great blue blanket that covers us all, regardless of where we live, walk, and dream. The night sky looks similar, with differing amounts of visibility. I always look for the Great Bear, Polaris, Orion, and Venus, and notice where the moon is, in her cycle. Connecting with the moon’s phases helps me connect with my personal moon cycle, or menses. It helps increase my awareness of, and track the flow of my physical, emotional, and spiritual journey, and the patterns therein.

I love ritual. Ritual feels as grounding and anchoring as the pure sky and earth. It helps me return to myself, regardless of where I am, remembering that Home lies within, not without. Ritual is a symbolic action imbued with intention, that is repeated at certain times of importance. It can be personal or communal, and personalized to each individual.

Every month, I fill a 1 liter clear glass jar with drinking water. I walk to an area where the full moon will shine on my jar for as long as possible. I do a little ceremony. The full moon inspires lunacy, for she is fat, pregnant with all the seeds sowed during the new moon. I start projects on the full moon, such as planting seeds, starting tinctures or other macerations, etc. On the full moon, I’ll evaluate where I am in my projects, harvest what is ready, and give thanks for all of the gifts received along the way. I’ll recalibrate my inner compass by updating my original intentions and visions, then continue walking forward with renewed visions, clarity, and inner strength received through this process. I speak with the moon and stars, plants and earth. I light a candle to waken the spirits, then burn aromatic plant incenses as smoky offerings, to cleanse, and send my prayers skywards. My prayers begin with gratitude, and include both what I’m releasing, and what I’m manifesting. Action and intention, prayer and ritual. The moon, stars, and night sky have heard my voice since childhood. We are after all, made of the same materials as the stars, planets, and entire Universe. Imbuing moon water with the energetic essence of the ripe fat moon, I drink that energy into my body, realigning myself with the Universe, helping me remember who I am, where I come from, and what I’m doing here.

(A special thanks to herbalist and wise woman Lucy Mitchella, for sharing these traditions with me!)


Making Flower Essences

It’s spring. Flowers are blossoming everywhere. Pollinators buzz around, intoxicated in their fragrance. What to do, with all these lovely flowers?

Time to make flower essences!

It’s best to make flower essences when the flower is at the peak of its blossoming, or right before the peak. Go out in the morning with clippers, undistilled spring water, and a glass bowl or jar. Approach the flower or plant that you wish to make an essence of. Ask for permission to extract its essence, in whatever way feels the best to you. I like to make a prayer of gratitude, and sit with the plant for a while, before doing anything. Maybe I’ll observe the plant, draw it, photograph it, or just meditate with it. Do whatever feels the best for you, but it’s integral to establish a healthy relationship with the plant, before you try and make medicine with it. And, do not physically touch the plant that you are planning to make medicine with.

Once you are both ready for the next step, you can fill your glass bowl with water. Once again, make sure that you do not touch the plant with your hands, through this entire process. If you do touch the plant, your own energy may affect the flower essence. You can either clip the flower directly into the water, or you can just place the flower head into the water. I like to move around the flowers with tweezers. The traditional method is to clip the flowers directly into water, and cover the surface of the water with the flowers. Do what feels the best for you, in the moment. You can even experiment with both methods, and see how the different medicines feel.

Let the flowers sit in the water, in the sunlight, uncovered in a safe and lovely spot, for 4-6 hours. This amount of time depends upon your personal preferences, belief system, and the plant itself. Herbalist Mimi Kamp suggests leaving the flower in the water until the energetic feeling of the flower essence is stronger than the energetic feeling of the plant itself. She tests this by placing her hand over the plant and feeling its energy, then placing her hand over the essence and feeling that energy. Sometimes, people can be energetically sensitive and feel these subtle differences. Sometimes, this is difficult to experience. Do what feels best for you. The one rule with making flower essences is that there is no real rule. It’s an energetic medicine, and an intuitive art.

Once your essence is ready, carefully remove the flowers from the essence. Return them back to the Earth, giving thanks for their gifts. Dilute the water essence 1:1 with brandy, or 40% alcohol. (This can be substituted with vinegar too, but alcohol lasts longer.) Now, you have your mother essence!

Bottle and label your mother essence. Preserved in alcohol, she should last for a long time, if not indefinitely. Make sure you share! We tend to make too much flower essences, for a little goes a long way.

When you are ready to use your flower essence, fill a 1 ounce tincture bottle with 1:1 spring water to brandy. Add 10-30 drops of the mother essence to your bottle. Now, you have your stock essence. This is what is usually sold in the store.

Do the same thing again to make your dosage bottle. Fill a 1 ounce tincture bottle with 1:1 spring water to brandy. This time, just add 1 drop of the stock essence into this bottle. This is the final product. This is what you will carry around in your pocket, and take 4 drops 4 times a day, or as needed.

To effect long-lasting subtle change, take 4 drops of your dosage bottle flower essence, 4 times a day. It is like a constant subtle reminder to your self, to effect long-lasting change. Flower essences can also just be taken one drop at a time, for an experience, or to help relieve acute symptoms.

Flowers are the reproductive part of a plant, carrying all the genetic material for a new plant to grow. These seed stories are thus infused into the flower essence, and energetically intaked into your body to continue gestating, as you ingest them. It’s still new, a mystery to me. You can easily buy flower essences, at ridiculous prices, in the store. I’d much rather enjoy the experience of getting to know the plants, making the medicines, and experimenting. Do as you choose. This medicine is so dilute, that it is very safe to use. 

Enjoy your explorations, and please share your discoveries!

Flower Essence Supplier Resources

Bach Essences

Mimi Kamp: Essence of the Desert

Flower Essence Services