
circle open yet unbroken

community coming together in a circle 
around a brown dead rose 
breathing and moving as one
we send golden light streaming into the rose
it, billowing like a jellyfish cloud of petals all aflutter
blushes pink again 

of dead flowers reviving
grandmothers' voices singing
and women's faces morphing from one into another
decaying and recaying
thorns plucked out of old sores 
standing in circle centers with stone in hand 
loudly proclaiming with silent strength
i am here 
i am home
i have come
i am done
circle streaming energy into broken limbs to revive and energize 
broken limbs billowing like petal clouds of jellyfish 
rose hearts aglow and ever open shining 
there are infinite roads and possibilities 
and oh what a lovely life this is and is not
what a life 

your brother is my sister is my brother is my dream is my 
when i walk i step lightly 
invisible artemesia rising up rising every up 
from the clay dust of dirt road
invisible branches and stems rising every rising
what is broken is never really broken 
what is dead is only composting back into life 
we are all just energy molecules bouncing around and
reactions exploding imploding interploding

let us interplode then 
like a bouquet of unbundled revived roses
let us intersect then
like water drip drop lines and circles reconnecting in 
vast limitless oceans of being
let us be then 
like infinite stars in an infinite galaxy
borne of infinite galaxies even more 
and composed of 
everything and nothing which is

(i can FEEL the super novas within me. i can FEEL the big bang that made we)
(hu d'ye mung, hu d'ye mung... oh what a butterfly dream dream dream...)