
Mount Giraud & Motivation

I free-fall 40 feet, fracturing the crisp Sierra Nevada air. Bouncing and rolling down another 400 feet over rock and ice, I mar the tranquil alpine tundra with bones and blood. Somehow, I live. “What will you do with your one wild precious life?” whispers the landscape.

I quit my job and travel across the US and Asia, discovering myself through the world around me. I experience deep pain, wonder, confusion, and clarity. I guide wilderness trips, gaining grace and confidence. “I’m doing this for you,” I smile, “and me.”
I return to Mount Giraud three times, finally summiting its austere 12,608 foot beauty. I sit atop what transformed my life, gazing down, grateful. Again, “What will you do with your one wild precious life?”
I return to my roots and practice Chinese medicine, providing quality holistic healthcare with the same curiosity and respect as I’d approached Giraud. Wilderness experiences invigorate my embodied understanding of life, and the body. Nature bolsters classical Chinese medical theory, strengthens my clinical logic and intuition, and enlivens profound metaphors for explaining complex concepts and crafting well-rounded treatment plans.
I ground my busy professional life by digging in my garden, and exploring wild places inaccessible by car. On longer adventures, I challenge both constructed and actual physical and mental limitations, gracefully honoring what’s unchangeable, and gently transforming more malleable boundaries. Through experience, I ask my patients, students, and community, “What will you do with your one wild precious life?”


Gan Mai Da Zao Tang 甘麥大棗湯

New blog on Mountain Rose Herbs, about the Chinese formula Gan Mai Da Zao Tang 甘麥大棗湯 !

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Formula for Summer Wellness

Jiling Lin, L.Ac. is an Earth-centered acupuncturist, herbalist, and yoga teacher in Ventura, CA. She cultivates thriving health for fellow healthcare practitioners, artists, and athletes through holistically accessible clinical and educational support, specializing in managing pain, chronic illness, and psycho-spiritual wellness. Jiling connects wilderness, creativity, and Spirit through both internal and external environmental stewardship.


June backpacking poem

travel far
feet bare
heart open
reach out
arms wide
reach in

north or south?
the wind
moves me
in the right direction
i notice

blistering heels
peeling skin
dry lips
water far,
but coming.
internal map,
I've been here before
shady Oaks

Sycamores and Cottonwoods ahead
river sounds follow
leaping heart
running feet

simple ways
beautiful life

i gather
to take home
for my
clinic, patients, friends, family, community,


Outdoor Adventures

Reaching for a right crimp while shaking and sweating, I slip on the cold smooth wall, and whip out over the triangular crag. Unseen and unheard, my climbing partner belays from above. Fingers scrabbling on uncompromising rock, I dangle under the overhang, swinging back and forth over the ocean. As the sun rapidly sets, I focus, clamber back onto the crux, zone in and, one deliberate move at a time, send it home.
Surfing the next day, the swell fills the horizon. I paddle into position, anticipating the surging wave. As I power through the pinkening pre-dawn water, I feel it push. I pop up, merging with the wave. I gaze down the line with single-focused present moment intent, body graceful, actions aligned, brilliantly alive.
I share this crystalline clarity and vibrant aliveness with the athletes, artists, and healthcare practitioners who I support through pain, trauma, and complex chronic conditions in my Earth-centered acupuncture and Chinese medicine practice. They know that my adventures hiking, backpacking, surfing, climbing, and traveling inspire my dedicated clinical focus, and their positive treatment results. The joys and challenges of wilderness adventures creates internal resilience in both me and my patients, inspiring love and understanding for our Earth, while empowering personal and environmental stewardship.


Health Resources


Here's a list of FREE online health resources that I often recommend:


Online Yoga

For Spinal Health






Learn more about Western Herbs




Happy summer!


Jiling Lin, L.Ac.

Jiling Lin, L.Ac. 林基玲

acupuncture . herbs . yoga

JilingLin.com | 575.342.1050

Instagram| Facebook


Yoga for Grounded Stability

Here's some of my favorite grounding yoga asanas... on the ground!

Legs up the Wall

- feel supported
- relax
- legs straight up, feet flexed or relaxed
- legs extended wide to the side, to open hips
- feet together, for wall- Butterfly: open hips
- surrender spine to the Earth
- arms to the sides, on belly, or overhead
- close eyes. Find ease.

Standing Forward Fold

- inhaling, lengthen your spine to actively draw yourself deeper into the stretch
- exhaling, release efforting, and welcome what arises: organic movement, a deepening
- feet together, or hip width distance apart
- release head, neck, and spine
- knees slightly bent, or bending and straightening one at a time
- hands to elbow creases (rag doll), shins, or under feet
- cascade forward, shifting weight between all edges of feet
- close eyes. Welcome.

Seated Forward Fold

- inhaling, lengthen forward
- exhaling, cascade down
- closing eyes, observe your inner landscape, and each full gift of breath and body
- feet flexed or pointed
- arms reaching forward, placed onto ground, or anywhere on legs, perhaps using a strap around the feet
- long spine, deep breath, surrender


- root down through under the feet to the belly of the Earth
- root up through the crown of the head to the umbilicus of the Sky
- feel your humanity lengthening yet stable, holding yet free, sacred and special yet tiny and insignificant, suspended and supported, supporting and integral, between (and part of) Earth and Sky
- solid as a Mountain

- feet together or hip- width distance apart
- hands at heart center, or to the sides, palms facing forward
- eyes closed, or gently open, expansive panoramic vision
- rooted yet relaxed

Child’s Pose

- arms forward, or folded by your sides
- knees together, or apart
- surrender everything to the Earth
- inhaling, thank you
- exhaling, release


- one leg the trunk, the other leg the branch
- root your supporting foot down through three points of contact: heel, ball of pinky toe and big toe
- hips and shoulders square
- aligned integrity: root up, relax elsewhere: relax toes, face, breath, mind
- root down, to rise up
- center

Warrior 2

- directed energy, rooted, centered
- intentional breath, aligned actions, powerful
- front foot points forward, back foot parallels back of mat
- heel to heel, or heel to arch feet alignment
- stack front knee over ankle
- arms parallel Earth, shoulders externally rotating, palms down
- eyes gaze powerfully over front fingertips


4 Calming Acupuncture Points

Acupuncture Points

(xue), or the Acupuncture Point, means a “cave.” Acu- Points are often located in cave-like indentations and intersections on the body, such as between bone and muscle, a bony foramen (crevice) or notch, or where two muscles meet.

Acupuncture is very precise and elegant. We insert fine needles right into the Point. Acupuncturists in the USA spend 3-6 years in a Master’s level program for licensure, studying both Chinese and Western medicine.

Acupressure is more broad, using either hands or other tools to apply pressure to Acu- Points. This can be a helpful adjunct therapy, when you can’t come in for acupuncture treatment, or to continue treatment at home.

Moxibustion heats moxa (Artemisia spp.) at Acu-Points. Varying moxa techniques range from highly specific to more broad. Using a moxa stick or moxa box at home is easy and can help increase circulation, and further activate your self-care acupressure protocols.


In Chinese medicine, the ear, foot, abdomen, hands, and face are all holographic representations of the entire body. The body’s health and areas of imbalance are reflected onto these holographic areas.

Auricular acupuncture places ear seeds onto the hologram of the ear, to address a wide range of conditions. The “NADA” protocol is commonly used for stress reduction in community clinics, natural disasters, and emergency outreach. This can be done with needles, or ear seeds composed of either a mustard seed or metal seed. In current times, we teach patients how to apply ear seeds onto themselves, via ZOOM.

陰堂 Yin Palace (yin tang)

- Press just above the central point between your eyebrows.
- Remind yourself, “Calm. Center. I am here. I am home.”
- Close your eyes. Listen to your breath. Find spacious rootedness within yourself, then open your eyes, and release the Point.
- Return, as needed.

内觀 Inner Pass (nei guan, Pc6)

- Slide your thumb 2-3 inches from your inner wrist crease toward your body
- Regulate your internal response to external circumstances:
- Rest: sleep well. Calm mind.
- Digest: eat well. Calm belly.
- Calm your thoughts and gentle your actions.

合谷 Joining Valley (he gu, LI4)

- Press your thumb into the tiger’s mouth between your opposite thumb and forefinger, that meaty area between the worlds of primate manual dexterity and human agile opposable thumbs. Find a tender area, and linger. Press down, zone in, observe.
- Release racing thoughts, agitated heart, and anxious frettings. Let go. Open up. Welcome spacious beauty. Breathe in the fresh air of clear mind, and simple yet profound gratitude.

足三里 Leg Three Mile (zu san li, ST36)

- Follow the outer indentation under your knee cap down 2-3 inches, resting at a tender spot between your tibia and calf muscle.
- Moxa here, for internal resilience to external stimuli
- A strong Earth, or a smooth digestive system, supports the healthy kingdom of your body, mind, and Spirit.


Basic Plant Family ID

look at the FLOWER & note:
- # of sepals, petals, stamen, pistils (K/ calyx, C/ corolla, A/ androecium, G/ gynoecium)
- COMPLETE (all KCAG present) or INCOMPLETE (missing KCAG)
- PERFECT (bisexual), or IMPERFECT (unisexual- monoecious/ dioecious)
- REGULAR (actinomorphic, w/ radial symmetry) or IRREGULAR (zygomorphic, w/ bilateral symmetry)
- OVARY: INFERIOR (epigynous) or SUPERIOR (hypogynous/ perigynous)
- INFLORESCENCE (solitary, head, spike, raceme, panicle, umbel, corymb, cyme)

look at the LEAVES & note:
- leaf ARRANGMENT (opposite, alternate, whorled, basal)
- leaf TYPE (simple/ compound pinnate/ palmate/ ternate)
- leaf VEINATION (arcuate, palmate, parallel, pinnate, reticulate)
- leaf MARGIN (entire, toothed, incised, lobed)
- leaf tip, base, stem, surface

Aster family (Asteraceae)
many individual florets packed together tightly makes a COMPOSITE FLOWERHEAD:
- DISC FLOWERS forms a pitted central disc
- RAY FLOWERS ring the edge, usually with showy petals
2nd most common flowering plant family in the world
(1rst place goes to the Orchid family, due to their prevalance in the tropics)
IE. Dandelion, Artemisias, Yarrow, Lettuce

Mint family (Lamiaceae)
- square stalks
- alternating opposite leaves
- aromatic
- irregular flowers
- common useful kitchen herbs!
IE. Sages, Rosemary, Basil

Mustard family (Brassicaceae)
- 4 petals
- 4 sepals
- 6 stamen (4 tall, 2 short)
- pungent
- seedpod staircase (fat silicles, or long siliques)
IE. Kale, Cabbage, Broccoli

Rose family (Rosaceae)
- 5 separate petals
- 5 sepals
- numerous stamen
- numerous pistils (creates a fuzzy-looking center)
- serrated compound leaves
IE. Strawberries, Apples, Almonds

Nightshade family (Solanaceae)
- 5 united petals
- 5 united sepals
- 5 stamen
- superior ovary with 2 chambers
- alternating leaves (often sticky, Earthy-smelling)
- alkaloid- rich
IE. Peppers, Datura, Eggplant, Tomato

Mallow family (Malvaceae)
- alternate, palmately lobed leaves
- numerous fused stamen form a column around the pistil
- 5 separate petals
- 3-5 partially united sepals
- mucilaginous (slimy)
- funnel- shaped regular flowers
- superior ovary with united carpels that creates “cheeses”
IE. Okra, Cotton, Hollyhocks, Cacao, Linden