
dream: lotuses

always remember that wherever you go, there will be lotus blossoms in your footsteps... so that you will never be lost


dance weekend

whirlwind weekend 
friday up to earthdance 
(hello, keith and lani, and amazing new farmers shauna and howell!) 
beautiful land, shining faces
hello massachusetts 
and goodbye again on saturday 
but first 
a magical mystical nature walk thru the rain 
inspiration to live fully, even to the city dwellers
thanks justin 
silence and loudness
can you hear the birds as they speak to each other thru the mists?
we are the birds speaking to each other thru the mists too 
and then kalyan's new farm 
not yet named
not yet planted
but all in progress
and oh so beautiful and amazing and utterly
so full of love and magic and 
filled with joy and hope
off to vermont!
where cars have congregated 
with people inside
at camp neringa 
for a weekend powwow
us, for a few hours 
of hello lovely mira and efan and other
beautiful old friends and acquiantances that i don't remember
but have still touched my life!
bluegrass music never fails
to make me swing
in the morning bright and early
grey rather
it's been grey all throughout 
new england is beginning to feel like a 
big grey temple tent
with green trees like greenish clouds
hanging above my head
above the grey
that envelopes all 
zooming bak down
freeways and traffic
as ingwe tells stories of leopards in jungles, on cd
and we trade raunchy teenage jokes
that bring us back to summers past
and i sleep with cold wet muddy feet plastered against
the breathing window
(or are my feet breathing)
feeling the hartbeat pulsation sensation 
in my little pinky toe 
soaring to 
back down back down 
to connect i cut
for new england primitive skills gathering
where me and justin first met
last summer 
and i haven't seen many of these people for a full year
and i realize just how much changes
and how much does not
and what?! i am still here in connect i cut
and am not yet cut
but not quite connected either
but am more and more realizing that
yet quite


rain rain

when i close my eyes, i see
small mushroom clouds of dust poofing 
as raindrop fairies alight
in the desert
the ground just keeps sopping it up 
until one day the sponge has had enough
and all the moss just erupts in little explosions
loud enough for the fairies to start
jigging in joy



hell-realm of normalcy 

schedules and cars that ride faster than the wind
barely even time to cook a good dinner

maybe this is just time to rest 
and recuperate after years of a different kind of running 
a kind of flying
running, flying, leaping, soaring with the wind
instead of in the opposite direction 
at full speed

a different kind of wind, a new sort of slow
a slow found in in-between moments of whooshing breath
gasping for air
air that had been forgotten 
in the rushing madness

what now do i choose for myself
i've dipped toes, then jumped full-on into both worlds
feels like i'm spiralling back and forth
and when i make comparisons
i see it's not such a big decision after all 
the spiral keeps turning, regardless 
but then, it's also a huge decision
shall i turn towards the sun, slowly, like a dandelion 
or shall i turn downwards yet up 
being stretched tightly into a middle place of balance
my guts stretched out tight to be poked with sticks
and push pulled into leather 
a tight unforgiving leather
that does not give in to the sly kisses of the wind
for it can no longer feel
it is stretched too tight

i feel like a tired wind caught between the currents of the tides
in a confusing whirlpool of motion
a black hole of dark unknown
heavy rock tied to my ankles 
pulling so hard that they bleed they bleed they bleed
i am bleeding to death
for my heart has been ripped to pieces 
devoured by so many little cords of blind hunger
that stretch leather of what was once a heart
until there is no more blood to bleed 
it is caked and hard
and eventually
back to dust 

i wonder if sometimes late at night
the dust sits up and wonders
where did i come from 



a duck got hurt last night
saw a mama and two baby raccoons in a tree, today
one life for three others? 

we see at least 3 deer and a squirrel dead on the side of the road every time we drive somewhere 
there's many more we don't see, i'm sure 
a handful of roadkill for a couple hundred cars and a society that moves too quickly? 

my stomach hurts when i think about the roadkill and stinky cars
it hurts also when i walk into a grocery store with its lights and too much stuff
our society of comfort and over-consumption

sometimes i wish i wasn't born american 
and yet, i also understand
(not quite) 


more spring!

i saw the first mullein blossoms of the season (bright yellow gorgeous flowers on a tall green stalk with the fuzziest most fantastic leaves)
and the first milkweed blossoms of the season! (beautifully intricate blossoms that are mostly white, but so much more... and smell like pure bliss. between the roses and the milkweeds, I am in heaven)

photos soon enough...



my week has been, thus far: 
lambsquarters day with brenda
bluegrass fest night, and recording songs with kari
hike to waterfall, and see coyote and snake
firefly and turtle and mosses with justin
ocean, roses, and lucy 
river walking with rocks, rain, thunder, and nettles
more roses