

hell-realm of normalcy 

schedules and cars that ride faster than the wind
barely even time to cook a good dinner

maybe this is just time to rest 
and recuperate after years of a different kind of running 
a kind of flying
running, flying, leaping, soaring with the wind
instead of in the opposite direction 
at full speed

a different kind of wind, a new sort of slow
a slow found in in-between moments of whooshing breath
gasping for air
air that had been forgotten 
in the rushing madness

what now do i choose for myself
i've dipped toes, then jumped full-on into both worlds
feels like i'm spiralling back and forth
and when i make comparisons
i see it's not such a big decision after all 
the spiral keeps turning, regardless 
but then, it's also a huge decision
shall i turn towards the sun, slowly, like a dandelion 
or shall i turn downwards yet up 
being stretched tightly into a middle place of balance
my guts stretched out tight to be poked with sticks
and push pulled into leather 
a tight unforgiving leather
that does not give in to the sly kisses of the wind
for it can no longer feel
it is stretched too tight

i feel like a tired wind caught between the currents of the tides
in a confusing whirlpool of motion
a black hole of dark unknown
heavy rock tied to my ankles 
pulling so hard that they bleed they bleed they bleed
i am bleeding to death
for my heart has been ripped to pieces 
devoured by so many little cords of blind hunger
that stretch leather of what was once a heart
until there is no more blood to bleed 
it is caked and hard
and eventually
back to dust 

i wonder if sometimes late at night
the dust sits up and wonders
where did i come from