Showing posts with label Yoga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yoga. Show all posts


Yoga for Grounded Stability

Here's some of my favorite grounding yoga asanas... on the ground!

Legs up the Wall

- feel supported
- relax
- legs straight up, feet flexed or relaxed
- legs extended wide to the side, to open hips
- feet together, for wall- Butterfly: open hips
- surrender spine to the Earth
- arms to the sides, on belly, or overhead
- close eyes. Find ease.

Standing Forward Fold

- inhaling, lengthen your spine to actively draw yourself deeper into the stretch
- exhaling, release efforting, and welcome what arises: organic movement, a deepening
- feet together, or hip width distance apart
- release head, neck, and spine
- knees slightly bent, or bending and straightening one at a time
- hands to elbow creases (rag doll), shins, or under feet
- cascade forward, shifting weight between all edges of feet
- close eyes. Welcome.

Seated Forward Fold

- inhaling, lengthen forward
- exhaling, cascade down
- closing eyes, observe your inner landscape, and each full gift of breath and body
- feet flexed or pointed
- arms reaching forward, placed onto ground, or anywhere on legs, perhaps using a strap around the feet
- long spine, deep breath, surrender


- root down through under the feet to the belly of the Earth
- root up through the crown of the head to the umbilicus of the Sky
- feel your humanity lengthening yet stable, holding yet free, sacred and special yet tiny and insignificant, suspended and supported, supporting and integral, between (and part of) Earth and Sky
- solid as a Mountain

- feet together or hip- width distance apart
- hands at heart center, or to the sides, palms facing forward
- eyes closed, or gently open, expansive panoramic vision
- rooted yet relaxed

Child’s Pose

- arms forward, or folded by your sides
- knees together, or apart
- surrender everything to the Earth
- inhaling, thank you
- exhaling, release


- one leg the trunk, the other leg the branch
- root your supporting foot down through three points of contact: heel, ball of pinky toe and big toe
- hips and shoulders square
- aligned integrity: root up, relax elsewhere: relax toes, face, breath, mind
- root down, to rise up
- center

Warrior 2

- directed energy, rooted, centered
- intentional breath, aligned actions, powerful
- front foot points forward, back foot parallels back of mat
- heel to heel, or heel to arch feet alignment
- stack front knee over ankle
- arms parallel Earth, shoulders externally rotating, palms down
- eyes gaze powerfully over front fingertips


The Pharm

I don't know how a small town like Ventura has so many yoga studios! But, it's fun to bounce around and teach/ play at seven of them. 

I'm excited to share that The Pharm is a new yoga studio and community center opening in downtown Ventura next Sunday, September 15! Please come join us for various ongoing classes and events. 

I'm teaching weekly Deep Flow yoga classes on Saturday evenings. My fellow acupuncturist and mentor Geoff Helms is teaching Taiji on Tuesday evenings. I'm excited for Nia dance classes on Wednesday mornings. There is much to look forward to, and diverse class options for everyone. Welcome


Foundation Training

We're into week 2 of practicing Foundation Training daily (during the middle of morning yoga asana practice). We finish each 15 minute practice sweating, shaking, and grinning. The whole body-mind is engaged during these active isometric contractions. It eases lower back pain and chronic injury by engaging supporting muscles, while improving posture and optimizing movement. Dr Eric Goodman has some excellent free resources on Youtube below. See the main site for more detailed information, or to get a subscription to stream more videos.


spring kids' herbs/ yoga classes

Morning sun salutations in Joshua Tree with my favorites: Larrea tridentata (Creosote), big granite slabs, warm sun, smooth wind (actually the wind was a bit much that morning), and my sweetie (sneaky photographer)!

Registration is open for spring kids' herbs/ yoga + food/ fitness classes with me through Hitchcock Children's Center. Fun plants and desert-inspired sun salutations promised, ahead. Sign on up!

Adult herbal classes on the way. Seeking stable venue in Ventura. Stay posted! 


Crux Yoga

Your crux move is the hardest part of a climb. Hands sweating, feet shaking. Breathe. Stabilize your core. Root down through your feet. Trust your body. Each move, and the space between each move, is deliberate, intentional, precious. Your body is strong, yet relaxed. Toned, yet supple. Send it. 

The devil's in the details. Drop your tailbone. Relax your shoulders. Deepen your breath. Activate through your feet and hands. Root down, to rise up. Move with controlled precision. Return your mind and breath to the present moment. Focus.

Crux yoga prepares you for your crux moves, be they in the gym, on the rocks, or in your life. Find your edges. Meet, explore, and expand them.

Come practice with us at Ventura's Boulderdash climbing gym!