
Solstice & Equinox


Winter Solstice (2020/ 12/ 21, 2021/ 12/ 21) 

How do you REST? What seeds are you nourishing under the sleeping winter Earth?

Tonight, we celebrate the longest night of the year. During Winter Solstice, one of Earth’s poles is tilted furthest away from the Sun. After this long dark night, we welcome the returning light and lengthening days, even as Winter deepens her chill.

Spring Equinox (2021/ 3/ 20) 

What seeds are you planting this spring? What are your visions? How are you walking your dreams into reality? What is rooting and budding to life within you as our Earth warms and stirs?

Our Sun crosses Earth’s horizon exactly to the east at sunrise, then directly to the west at sunset. Day matches night, for Spring Equinox. Plan your internal and external garden for the year ahead, then plant it with loving intention!

Summer Solstice (2021/ 6/ 20)

What are you passionate about? What do you LOVE? What do you SHINE into the world? What do you CELEBRATE?

Summer solstice is the longest day of the year. One of Earth’s poles is tilted closest to the Sun. The Sun appears at its highest altitude, for an early sunrise and late sunset. We welcome the heat and activity of playful passionate summer!

Autumn Equinox (2021/ 9/ 22)

As the fruits of summer fall into autumn, what do you release? What gifts do you share? What are you grateful for? What is SACRED?

Our Sun crosses Earth’s horizon exactly to the east at sunrise, then directly to the west at sunset. Day matches night, for Autumn Equinox. We welcome the season of slowing down, drinking nourishing broths, bundling up, and celebrating with community.


("Nature Heals" artwork by Troy Chafin, from Amplifier Art)