Here's a few notes from last night's Way of Tea event.
Tea/ 茶
- Read this article
- Want to brew with a gaiwan?
Dao De Jing/ 道德經
- Click here
Upcoming events
- Please join us for the next Way of Tea, Monday February 3! You can prepare a Dao De Jing passage that you wish to discuss, if you'd like.
- Please join us for Community Acupuncture
- Contact me for acupuncture, herbs, and yoga consultations/ treatments! Find more classes/ clinic schedule on
- Follow me on
Have a wonderful first month of 2020!
- When do you feel "in harmony with the Dao"? (give examples from the past month, or year)
- How do you "interfere with the Dao"?
- How do you "let yourself be shaped by the Dao"?
Jiling Lin, L.Ac. 林基玲
acupuncture . herbs . yoga