
經絡歌訣 Channel Odes

These "Channel Odes" are for memorizing Acupuncture Channel lines and point names. I compiled them here, with my novice translations of the Odes themselves, with point names' translations selected from a few different sources: Deadman, Cleaver, Ellis/ Boss, and Worsley. This is an ongoing work in progress, which will evolve and improve as my understanding of the points deepens over time, with increased clinical exposure, and dialogue. I hope that this is interesting/ helpful to you, and hope to hear your input/ insights!

(Note that the Google doc has better formatting than what Blogger let's me copy and paste. It's a 17 page document, which doesn't fully paste well, and I'm loathe to carefully reformat again, on Blogger.)



歌訣 Channel Odes (with Odes/ Pinyin/ Translation)
Jiling Lin (12/ 2016)

-        Lung (Lu) 手太陰肺經
-        Large Intestine (LI) 手陽明大腸經
-        Stomach (ST) 足陽明胃經
-        Spleen (Sp) 足太陰脾經

-        Heart (Ht) 手少陰心經
-        Small Intestine (SI) 手太陽小腸經
-        Bladder (BL) 足太陽膀胱經
-        Kidney (Kd) 足少陰腎經

-        Pericardium (Pc) 手厥陰心包經
-        Triple Burner (TB) 手少陽三焦經
-        Gallbladder (GB) 足少陽膽經
-        Liver (Lr) 足厥陰肝經

-        Conception Vessel (CV) 任脈
-        Governing Vessels (GV) 督脈

墓穴 (front Mu points) and 腧穴 (back Shu points) listed at top
五腧穴 (Five Transport Points): 木,火,土,金,水
原穴 (Yuan Source Point)
絡穴 (Luo Connecting Point)
󠇭 郗穴 (Xi Cleft Point)

Lu: 手太陰肺經 (Hand Taiyin Lung/ Shǒu Tài Yīn Fèi Jīng)
(MU: Lu-1       SHU: BL-13)

Shǒu tài yīn fèi shí yī xué,
Hand Lesser Yin Lung channel has eleven points,

(中府)1 (雲門)2 (天府)3訣,
(zhōng fǔ)1 (yún mén)2 (tiān fǔ)3 jué,
(Central Treasury)1 (Cloud Gate)2 (Celestial Storehouse)3 rhyme,

(俠白)4 (尺澤)5 (孔最)6存,
(xiá bái)4 (chǐ zé)5[]  (kǒng zuì)6󠇭󠇭 cún,
(Heroic White)4 (Cubit Marsh)5 (Great Hole)6󠇭 collect,

(列缺)7 (經渠)8 (太淵)9 涉,
(liè quē)7 (jīng qú)8[] (tài yuan)9 []◊ shè,
(Broken Sequence)7 (Channel Ditch)8 (Great Abyss)9 ford,

(魚際)10 (少商)11如韮葉。
(yú jì)10 [] (shǎo shāng)11[] rú jiǔ yè.
(Fish Border)10 (Little Merchant)11 are a leek leaf’s distance from the nail border.

LI: 手陽明大腸經 (Hand Yangming Large Intestine/ Shǒu Yáng Míng Dà Cháng Jīng)
(MU: ST-25    SHU: BL-25)

手陽明穴起 (商陽)1
Shǒu yáng míng xué qǐ (shāng yáng)1[],
Hand Yangming points begins with (Metal Yang)1,

(二間)2 (三間)3 (合谷)4 藏,
(èr jiān)2[] (sān jiān)3[] (hé gǔ)4◊ cáng,
(Second Space)2 (Third Space)3 (Union Valley)4 stores,

(陽谿)5 (偏歷)6 (溫溜)7 長,
(yáng xī)5[] (piān lì)6 (wēn liū)7󠇭󠇭 zhǎng,
(Yang Stream)5 (Veering Passage)6 (Warm Flow)7 grows,

(下廉)8 (上廉)9 (手三里)10
(xià lián)8 (shàng lián)9 (shǒu sān lǐ)10,
(Lower Ridge)8 (Upper Ridge)9 (Arm Three Miles)10,

(曲池)11 (肘髎)12 (五里)13 近,
(qū chí)11[]  (zhǒu liáo)12 (wǔ lǐ)13 jìn,
(Pond at the Crook)11 (Elbow Bone)12 (Arm Five Mile)13 [are] near,

(臂臑)14 (肩髃)15 (巨骨)16 當,
(bì nào)14 (jiān yú)15 (jù gǔ)16 dāng,
(Upper Arm)14 (Shoulder Bone)15 (Great Bone)16 serve as,

(天鼎)17 (扶突)18 (禾髎)19接,
(tiān dĭng)17 (fú tū)18 (hé liáo)19 jiē,
(Celestial Vessel)17 (Supporting Prominence)18 (Grain Bone-Hole)19 connects,

bí páng wǔ fēn hào (yíng xiāng)20.
Five fen lateral to the side of the nose is (Welcome Fragrance)20.

ST: 足陽明胃經 (Foot Yangming Stomach/ Zú Yáng Míng Wèi Jīng)
(MU: CV-12   SHU: BL-21)

Sì shí wǔ xué zú yáng míng,
Forty-five points Foot Yang Ming,

(頭維)8 (下關)7 (頰車)6 停,
(tóu wéi)8 (xià guān)7 (jiá chē)6 tíng,
(Head Corner)8 (Below Joint)7 (Jaw Cart)6 stops,

(承泣)1 (四白)2 (巨髎)3 經,
(chéng qì)1 (sì bái)2 (jù liáo)3 jīng,
(Tear Container)1 (Four Whites)2 (Great Bone-Hole)3 pass through,

(地倉)4 (大迎)5 (人迎)9
(dì cāng)4 (dà yíng)5 duì (rén yíng)9,
(Earth Granary)4 (Great Welcome)5 faces (People Welcome)9,

(水突)10 (氣舍)11 (缺盆)12
(shuǐ tú)10 (qì shě)11 lián (quē pén)12,
(Water Prominence)10 (Qi Abode)11 connects with (Empty Basin)12,

(氣戶)13 (庫房)14 (屋翳)15 屯,
(qì hù)13 (kù fáng)14 (wū yì)15 tún,
(Qi Door)13 (Storeroom)14 (Roof)15 stores,

(膺窗)16 (乳中)17 (乳根)18
(yīng chuāng)16 (rǔ zhōng)17 yán (rǔ gēn)18,
(Breast Window)16 (Breast Center)17 prolongs (Breast Root)18,

(不容)19 (承滿)20 (梁門)21 起,
(Bù róng)19 (chéng mǎn)20 (liáng mén)21 qǐ,
(Uncontained)19 (Supporting Fullness)20 (Beam Gate)21 arise,

(關門)22 (太乙)23 (滑肉門)24
(Guān mén)22 (tài yǐ)23 (huá ròu mén)24,
(Pass Gate)22 (Supreme Unity)23 (Slippery Flesh Gate)24,

(天樞)25 (外陵)26 (大巨)27 存,
(tiān shū)25 (wài líng)26 (dà jù)27 cún,
(Celestial Pivot)25 (Outer Mound)26 (Great Giant)27 stores,

(水道)28 (歸來)29 (氣衝)30次,
(Shuǐ dào)28 (guī lái)29 (qì chōng)30 cì,
(Waterway)28 (Return)29 (Qi Surge)30 occurs,

(髀關)31 (伏兔)32 (陰市)33
(bì guān)31 (fú tù)32 zǒu (yīn shì)33,
(Thigh Pass)31 (Hidden Rabbit)32 walks to (Yin Market)33,

(梁丘)34 (犢鼻)35 (足三里)36
(liáng qiū)34󠇭󠇭 (dú bí)35 (zú sān lǐ)36[],
(Beam Hill)34 (Calf’s Nose)35 (Leg Three Mile)36,

(上巨虛)37 (條口)38 位,
(shàng jù xū)37 lián (tiáo kǒu)38 wèi,
(Upper Great Hollow)37 connects with (Ribbon Opening)38 position,

(下巨虛)39 跳上(豐隆)40
(xià jù xū)39 tiào shàng (fēng lÓng)40,
(Lower Great Hollow)39 jumps onto (Bountiful Bulge)40,

(解谿)41 (衝陽)42 (陷谷)43中,
(jiě xī)41[] (chōng yáng)42 (xiàn gǔ)43[] zhōng,
(Separated Stream)41 (Surging Yang)42 (Sunken Valley)43 middle,

(內庭)44 (厲兌)45 經穴終。
(nèi tíng)44[] (lì duì)45[] jīng xué zhōng.
(Inner Courtyard)44 (Severe Mouth)45 channel points conclude.

Sp: 足太陰脾經 (Foot Taiyin Spleen/ Zú Tài Yīn Pí Jīng)
(MU: Lr-13     SHU: BL-20)

Èr shí yī xué pí zhōng zhōu,
Twenty-one points comprise Spleen’s central plains,

(隱白)1 在足大趾頭,
(yǐn bái)1[] zài zú dà zhǐ tóu,
(Hidden White)1 is at the big toe,

(大都)2 (太白)3 (公孫)4 盛,
(Dà dū)2[] (tài bái)3[]◊ (gong sūn)4 chéng,
(Big City)2 (Great White)3 (Grandpa Grandson)4 contain,

(商丘)5 (三陰交)6 可求,
(Shāng qiū)5[] (sān yīn jiāo)6 kě qiú,
(Metal Note Mound)5 (Three Yin Junction)6 can request,

(漏谷)7 (地機)8 (陰陵泉)9
(lòu gǔ)7 (dì jī)8󠇭󠇭 (yīn líng quán)9[],
(Leaking Valley)7 (Earth Crux)8 (Yin Mound Spring)9,

(血海)10 (箕門)11 (衝門)12 開,
(xuè hǎi)10 (jī mén)11 (chōng mén)12 kāi,
(Blood Sea)10 (Winnowing Gate)11 (Surging Gate)12 open,

(府舍)13 (腹結)14 (大橫)15 排,
(fǔ shě)13 (fù jié)14 (dà héng)15 pái,
(Bowel Abode)13 (Abdominal Bind)14 (Great Horizontal)15 line up,

(腹哀)16 (食竇)17 (天溪)18
(fù āi)16 (shí dòu)17 lián (tiān xī)18,
(Abdominal Lament)16 (Food Hole)17 connects to (Celestial Ravine)18,

(胸鄉)19 (周榮)20 (大包)21 隨。
(xiōng xiāng)19 (zhōu róng)20 (dà bāo)21 suí.
(Chest Village)19 (Complete Nourishment)20 (Big Hug)21 follows.

Ht: 手少陰心經 (Hand Shaoyin Heart/ Shǒu Shǎo Yīn Xīn Jīng)
(MU: CV-14   SHU: BL-15)

jiǔ xué wǔ shí shǒu shǎo yīn,
There are nine points at noon with Hand Lesser Yin,

(極泉)1 (青靈)2 (少海)3 深,
(jí quán)1 (qīng líng)2 (shǎo hǎi)3[] shēn,
(Summit Spring)1 (Green Spirit)2 (Lesser Sea)3 deep,

(靈道)4 (通里)5 (陰郄)6 遂,
(líng dào)4[] (tōng lǐ)5 (yīn xī)6󠇭󠇭 suí,
(Spirit Path)4 (Penetrating the Interior)5 (Yin Cleft)6 fulfill,

(神門)7 (少府)8 (少沖)9 尋。
(Shén mén)7[]◊ (shǎo fǔ)8[] (shǎo chōng)9[] xún.
(Spirit Gate)7 (Lesser Storehouse)8 (Lesser Rushing)9 seek.

SI: 手太陽小腸經 (Hand Taiyang Small Intestine/ Shǒu Tài Yáng Xiǎo Cháng Jīng)
(MU: CV-4     SHU: BL-27)

Shǒu tài yáng xué shí yī jiǔ,
There are nineteen points on the Hand Tai Yang channel,

(少澤)1 (前谷)2 (後谿)3 藪,
(shǎo zé)1[] (qián gǔ)2[] (hòu xī)3[] sǒu,
(Lesser Marsh)1 (Front Valley)2 (Back Stream)3 gather,

(腕骨)4 (陽谷)5 (養老)6 繩,
(Wàn gǔ)4◊ (yáng gǔ)5[] (yăng lǎo)6󠇭󠇭 shéng,
(Wrist Bone)4 (Yang Valley)5 (Nourish Elderly)6 rope,

(支正)7 (小海)8 外輔肘,
(zhī zhèng)7 (xiǎo hǎi)8[] wài fǔ zhǒu,
(Branch Correcting)7 (Small Sea)8 are on the outer elbow,

(肩貞)9 (臑俞)10 (天宗)11
(jiān zhēn)9 (nào shū)10 jiē (tiān zōng)11,
(Divining Shoulder)9 (Upper Arm Shu)10 connects to (Celestial Gathering)11,

髎外(秉風)12 (曲垣)13 首,
liáo wài (bǐng fēng)12 (qū yuán)13 shǒu,
Outside of the space between the two joints (Grasping the Wind)12 and (Crooked Wall)13 are first,

(肩外俞)14 (肩中俞)15
(jiān wài shū)14 lián (jiān zhōng shū)15,
(Outer Shoulder Shu)14 connects to (Central Shoulder Shu)15,

(天窗)16 乃與(天容)17偶,
(Tiān chuāng)16 nǎi yǔ (tiān róng)17 ǒu,
(Celestial Window)16 then (Celestial Countenance)17 by chance,

ruì gǔ zhī duān shàng (quán liáo)18,
Sharp cheekbone’s highest point above is (Cheekbone Hole)18,

(聽宮)19 耳前珠上走。
(tīng gong)19 ěr qián zhū shàng zǒu.
(Listening Palace)19 in front of the ear’s tragus by one pearl.

BL: 足太陽膀胱經 (Foot Taiyang Urinary Bladder/ Zú Tài Yáng Páng Guāng Jīng)
(MU: CV-3     SHU: BL-28)

Zú tài yáng jīng liù shí qī,
Foot Great Yang channel has sixty-seven points,

(睛明)1 目內紅肉藏,
Jīng míng mù nèi hóng ròu cáng,
(Eye Bright)1 inner eye red flesh stores,

(攅竹)2 (眉衝)3 (曲差)4
(Zǎn zhú)2 (méi chōng)3 yǔ (qū chà)4,
(Gathering Bamboo)2 (Eyebrow Ascension)3 and (Curved Deviation)4,

(五處)5 寸半上(承光)6
(wǔ chù)5 cùn bàn shàng (chéng guāng)6,
(Fifth Place)5 half cun above is (Supporting Light)6,

(通天)7 (絡卻)8 (玉枕)9 昂,
(Tōng tiān)7 (luò què)8 (yù zhěn)9 áng,
(Celestial Connection)7 (Declining Connection)8 (Jade Pillow)9 holds head up high,

(天柱)10 後際大筋外,
(tiān zhù)10 hòu jì dà jīn wài,
(Celestial Pillar)10 is behind the outer boundary of the large sinew,
(大杼)11 背部第二行,
(dà zhù)11 bèi bù dì èr háng,
(Great Shuttle)11 is above the spine’s second thoracic vertebrae [T2],

(風門)12 (肺俞)13 (厥陰俞)14
(Fēng mén)12 (fèi shū)12 (jué yīn shū)14,
(Wind Gate)12 (Lung Shu)13 (Jue Yin Shu)14,

(心俞)15 (督俞)16 (膈俞)17 強,
(xīn shū)15 (dū shū)16 (gé shū)17 qiáng,
(Heart Shu)15 (Governing Shu)16 (Diaphragm Shu)17 strong,

Gān dǎn pí wèi (18-21) jù āi cì,
(Liver Shu)18 (Gallbladder Shu)19 (Spleen Shu)20 (Stomach Shu)21 follow each other,

(三焦)22 ()23 (氣海)24 (大腸)25
(Sān jiāo)22 (shèn)23 (qì hǎi)24 (dà cháng)25,
(Triple Burner Shu)22 (Kidney Shu)23 (Sea of Qi Shu)24 (Large Intestine Shu)25,

(關元)26 (小腸)27 (膀胱)28
(guān yuan)26 (xiǎo cháng)27 dào (pang guāng)28,
(Fate Gate Shu)26 (Small Intestine Shu)27 to (Bladder Shu)28,

(中膐)29 (白環)30 仔細量,
(zhōng lǚ)29 (bái huán)30 zǐ xì liáng,
(Mid-Spine Shu)29 (White Ring Shu)30 carefully measure,

自從(大杼)11 (白環)30
Zì cóng (dà zhù)11 dào (bái huán)30,
Since the (Great Shuttle)11 goes to (White Ring Shu)30, 
gè gè jié wài cùn bàn cháng.
1.5 cun lateral to each vertebrae.

(上髎)31 (次髎)32 ()33 ()34
(Shàng liáo)31 (cì liáo)32 (zhōng)33 fù (xià)34,
(Upper Bone-Hole)31 (Second Bone-Hole)32 (Middle Bone-Hole)33 and then (Lower Bone-Hole)34,  

Yī kōng èr kōng yāo kuà dāng,
One empty two empty waist serves as,

(會陽)35 陰尾骨外取,
(huì yáng)35 yīn wěi gǔ wài qǔ,
(Yang Convergence)35 is level with the tip of the coccyx,

(附分)41 俠脊第三行,
(fù fēn)41 xiá jí dì sān xíng,
(Attached Branch)41 is superior to the third thoracic vertebrae [T3],

(魄戶)42 (膏肓)43 (神堂)44
(pò hù)42 (gāo huāng)43 yǔ (shén tang)44,
(Corporeal Soul Doorway)42 (Vital Region Shu)43 and (Spirit Hall)44,

(譩譆)45 (膈關)46 (魂門)47 九,
(yì xī)45 (gé guān)46 (hún mén)47 jiǔ,
(Yixi)45 (Diaphragm Pass)46 (Non-Corporeal Soul Gate)47 nine,

(陽綱)48 (意舍)49(胃倉)50
(yáng gāng)48 (yì shѐ)49 réng (wèi cāng)50,
(Yang Headrope)48 (Reflection Abode)49 still (Stomach Granary)50,

(肓門)51(志室)52 (胞肓)53 續,
(huāng mén)51 (zhì shì)52 (bāo huāng)53 xù,
(Huang Gate)51 (Will Chamber)52 (Bladder Huang) continues,

二十椎下(秩邊)54 場,
Èr shí zhuī xià (zhì biān)54 chǎng,
Below twenty vertebrae (Order’s Edge)54 site,

(承扶)36 臀橫紋中央,
(chéng fú)36 tún héng wén zhōng yāng,
(Support)36 in the midpoint of the transverse gluteal fold,

(殷門)37 (浮郄)38 (委陽)39
(yīn mén)37 (fú xī)38 dào (wěi yáng)39,
(Abundant Gate)37 (Superficial Cleft)38 to (Bend Yang)39,

(委中)40 (合陽)55 (承筋)56 是,
(wěi zhōng)40 (hé yáng)55 (chéng jīn)56 shì,
(Bend Center)40 (Yang Union)55 (Support Sinews)56 are,
(承山)57 (飛揚)58 (跗陽)59
(chéng shān)57 (fēi yáng)58 huái (fū yáng)59,
(Supporting Mountain)57 (Taking Flight)58 ankle (Instep Yang)59,

(崑崙)60 (僕參)61 (申脈)62
(Kūn lún)60[] (pú cān)61 lián (shēn mài)62,
(Kunlun Mountains)60 (Subservient Visitor)61 connects with (Extending Vessel)62,

(金門)63 (京骨)64 ()65 忙,
(Jīn mén)63󠇭󠇭 (jīng gǔ)64◊ (shù gǔ)65[] máng,
(Metal Gate)63 (Capitol Bone)64 (Bundle Bone)65 busy,

(通谷)66 (至陰)67小指旁。
(tōng gǔ)66 [] (zhì yīn)67[] xiǎo zhǐ páng.
(Passage Valley)66 (Reaching Yin)67 is next to the pinky toe.

Kd: 足少陰腎經 (Foot Shaoyin Kidney/ Zú Shǎo Yīn Shèn Jīng)
(MU: GB-25   SHU: BL-23)

Zú shǎo yīn xué èr shí qī,
The Foot Lesser Yin Channel has twenty-seven points,

(湧泉)1 (然谷)2 (太溪)3 溢,
(yǒng quán)1[] (rán gǔ)2[] (tài xī)3[]◊ yì,
(Bubbling Spring)1 (Blazing Valley)2 (Supreme Stream)3 overflows,

(大鐘)4 (水泉)5 (照海)6
(Dà zhōng)4 (shuǐ quán)5󠇭󠇭 tōng (zhào hǎi)6,
(Great Bell)4 (Water Spring)5 joins (Shining Sea)6,

(復溜)7 (交信)8 (築賓)9實,
(fù liū)7[] (jiāo xìn)8 (zhú bīn)9 shí,
(Restore Flow)7 (Faith Intersection)8 (House Guest)9 replete,

(陰谷)10 膝內跗骨後,
(yīn gǔ)10[] xī nèi fū gǔ hòu,
(Yin Valley)10 inner knee behind the [semi-membranosus and semi-tendinosus] tendons,

Yǐ shàng cóng zú zǒu zhì xī,
The above went from the foot to the knee,
(橫骨)11 (大赫)12 (氣穴)13
(héng gǔ)11 (dà hè)12 lián (qì xué)13,
(Pubic Bone)11 (Great Manifestation)12 connects to (Qi Cave)13,

(四滿)14 (中注)15 (肓俞)16 臍,
(sì mǎn)14 (zhōng zhù)15 (huāng shū)16 qí,
(Fourfold Fullness)14 (Central Flow)15 (Huang Shu)16 umbilicus,

(商曲)17 (石關)18 (陰都)19 密,
(shāng qū)17 (shí guān)18 (yīn dōu)19 mì,
(Metal Note Bend)17 (Stone Pass)18 (Yin Metropolis)19 dense,

(通谷)20 (幽門)21 寸半辟,
(tōng gǔ)20 (yōu mén)21 cùn bàn pì,
(Connecting Valley)20 (Hidden Gate)21 half a cun opens,

zhé liàng fù shàng fēn shí yī,
Measure and divide the abdomen into eleven sections,
(步廊)22 (神封)23 (靈墟)24
(bù láng)22 (shén fēng)23 yīng (líng xū)24,
(Walking Corridor)22 (Spirit Seal)23 bears (Spirit Ruins)24,

(神藏)25 (彧中)26 (俞府)27 畢。
(shén cáng)25 (yù zhōng)26 (shū fŭ)27 bì.
(Spirit Storehouse)25 (Patterned Center)26 (Shu Mansion)27 complete.

Pc: 手厥陰心包經 (Hand Jueyin Pericardium/ Shǒu Jué Yīn Xīn Bāo Jīng)
(MU: CV-17   SHU: BL-14)

Jiǔ xué xīn bāo shǒu jué yīn,
Nine points on the Arm Jue Yin Pericardium channel,

(天池)1 (天泉)2 (曲澤)3 深,
(Tiān chí)1 (tiān quán)2 (qū zé)3[] shēn,
(Celestial Pool)1 (Celestial Spring)2 (Marsh at the Bend)3 deep,

(郄門)4 (間使)5 (內關)6 對,
(xī mén)4󠇭󠇭 (jiān shǐ)5[] (nèi guān)6 duì,
(Xi-Cleft Gate)4 (Between Messenger)5 (Inner Pass)6 facing,

(大陵)7 (勞宮)8 (中衝)9 侵。
(dà líng)7[] (láo gong)8[] (zhōng chōng)9[] qīn.
(Great Mound)7 (Palace of Labor)8 (Central Hub)9 invade.

TB: 手少陽三焦經 (Hand Shaoyang Triple Burner/ Shǒu Shǎo Yang Sān Jiāo Jīng)
(MU: CV-5     SHU: BL-22)

Èr shí sān xué shǒu shǎo yáng,
Twenty-three points on the Hand Lesser Yang Channel,

(關衝)1 ( 液門)2 (中渚)3 旁,
(guān chōng)1[] (yè mén)2[] (zhōng zhǔ)3[] páng,
(Passage Hub)1 (Fluids Gate)2 (Central Islet)3 side,

(陽池)4 (外關)5 (支溝)6 正,
(yáng chí)4◊ (wài guān)5 (zhī gōu)6[] zhèng,
(Yang Pool)4 (Outer Pass)5 (Limb Gully)6 straight,

(會宗)7 (三陽絡)8 (四瀆)9 長,
(huì zōng)7󠇭󠇭 (sān yáng luò)8[] (sì dú)9 zhǎng,
(Ancestral Meeting)7 (Three Yang Meeting)8 (Four Rivers)9 grow,

(天井)10 (清冷淵)11 (消濼)12
(Tiān jǐng)10 (qīng lěng yuan)11 (xiāo luò)12,
(Celestial Well)10 (Clear Cold Abyss)11 (Dispersing Riverbed)12,

(臑會)13 (肩髎)14 (天髎)15 堂,
(nào huì)13 (jiān liáo)14 (tiān liáo)15 táng,
(Upper Arm Convergence)13 (Shoulder Bone-Hole)14 (Celestial Bone-Hole)15 rooms,

(天牖)16 (翳風)17 (瘈脈)18 青,
(tiān yǒu)16 (yì fēng)17 (chì mài)18 qīng,
(Celestial Window)16 (Wind Screen)17 (Spasm Vessel)18 green,

(顱息)19 (角孫)20 (絲竹空)23
(lú xī)19 (jiǎo sūn)20 (sī zhú kōng)23,
(Skull Rest)19 (Horn Sprout)20 (Silk Bamboo Hollow)23,

(和髎)22 (耳門)21 聽有常。
(hé liáo)22 (ěr mén)21 tīng yǒu cháng.
(Harmony Bone-Hole)22 (Ear Gate)21 listening consistently.

GB: 足少陽膽經 (Foot Shaoyang Gallbladder/ Zú Shǎo Yáng Dǎn Jīng)
(MU: GB-24   SHU: BL-19)

Zú shǎo yáng xué (tóng zi liáo)1,
Foot Lesser Yang points (Pupil Bone-Hole)1,

Sì shí sì xué xíng tiáo tiáo,
Fourty-four points move far away,

(聽會)2 (上關)3 (頷厭)4 集,
(tīng huì)2 (shàng guān)3 (hàn yàn)4 jí,
(Auditory Convergence)2 (Upper Gate)3 (Jaw Serenity)4 collect,

(懸顱)5 (懸厘)6 (曲鬢)7 翹,
(xuán lú)5 (xuán lí)6 (qū bìn)7 qiào,
(Suspended Skull)5 (Suspended Tuft)6 (Temporal Hairline Bend)7 turns upwards,

(率谷)8 (天沖)9 (浮白)10 次,
(shuài gǔ)8 (tiān chōng)9 (fú bái)10 cì,
(Leader to the Valley)8 (Celestial Hub) 9 (Floating White) 10 next,

(竅陰)11 (完骨)12 (本神)13 邀,
(qiào yīn)11 (wán gǔ)12 (běn shén)13 yāo,
(Yin Portal)11 (Completion Bone)12 (Root Spirit)13 invites,

(陽白)14 (臨泣)15 (目窗)16 闢,
(yáng bái)14 (lín qì)15 (mù chuāng)16 pì,
(Yang White)14 (Overlooking Tears)15 (Eye Window)16 open,

(正營)17 (承靈)18 (腦空)19 搖,
(zhèng yíng)17 (chéng líng)18 (nǎo kōng)19 yáo,
(Upright Construction)17 (Supporting Spirit)18 (Brain Hollow)19 shake,
(風池)20 (肩井)21 (淵腋)22 部,
(fēng chí)20 (jiān jǐng)21 (yuān yè)22 bù,
(Wind Pool)20 (Shoulder Well)21 (Armpit Abyss)22 parts,

(輒筋)23 (日月)24 (京門)25 標,
(zhé jīn)23 (rì yuè)24 (jīng mén)25 biāo,
(Sinew Seat)23 (Sun Moon)24 (Capitol Gate)25 mark,
(帶脈)26 (五樞)27 (維道)28 續,
(dài mài)26 (wǔ shū)27 (wéi dào)28 xù,
(Girdling Vessel)26 (Fifth Pivot)27 (Connecting Path)28 continues,

(居髎)29 (環跳)30 (風市)31 招,
(jū liáo)29 (huán tiào)30 (fēng shì)31 zhāo,
(Squatting Bone-Hole)29 (Jumping Round)30 (Wind Market)31 beckon,

(中瀆)32 (陽關)33 (陽陵泉)34
(zhōng dú)32 (yáng guān)33 (yáng líng quán)34[],
(Central River)32 (Yang Passage)33 (Yang Mound Spring)34,
(陽交)35 (外丘)36 (光明)37 宵,
(yáng jiāo)35 (wài qiū)36󠇭󠇭 (guāng míng)37 xiāo,
(Yang Intersection)35 (Outer Hill)36 (Bright Light)37 night,

(陽輔)38 (懸鐘)39 (丘墟)40 外,
(Yáng fǔ)38[] (xuán zhōng)39 (qiū xū)40◊ wài,
(Yang Assistant)38 (Suspended Bell)39 (Hill Ruins)40 outer,
(足臨泣)41 (地五會)42 (俠溪)43
(zú línq qì)41[] (dì wǔ huì)42 (xiá xī)43[],
(Foot Overlooking Tears)41 (Earth Five Meeting)42 (Narrow Ravine)43,

第四指端(竅陰)44 畢。
dì sì zhǐ duān (qiào yīn)44[] bì.
At the tip of the fourth toe (Yin Portal)44 ends.

Lr: 足厥陰肝經 (Foot Jueyin Liver/ Zú Jué Yīn Gān Jīng)
(MU: Lr-14     SHU: BL-18)

Yī shí sān xué zú jué yīn,
Thirteen points on the Foot Jue Yin channel,

(大敦)1 (行間)2 (太衝)3 侵,
(dà dūn)1[] (xíng jiān)2[] (tài chōng)3[]◊ qīn,
(Big Pile)1 (Step Between)2 (Great Surge)3 invade,

(中封)4 (蠡溝)5 (中都)6 近,
(zhōng fēng)4[] (lĭ gōu)5 (zhōng dū)6󠇭󠇭 jìn,
(Central Seal)4 (Worm-Eaten Groove)5 (City Center)6 near,

(膝關)7 (曲泉)8 (陰包)9 臨,
(xī guān)7 (qū quán)8[] (yīn bāo)9 lín,
(Knee Gateway)7 (Spring at the Bend)8 (Yin Wrapping)9 overlook,

(五里)10 (陰廉)11 (急脈)12 躍,
(wǔ lǐ)10 (yīn lián)11 (jí mài)12 yuè,
(Foot Five Mile)10 (Yin Corner)11 (Urgent Pulse) 12 leap,

()13 常對 (期門)14 深。
(zhāng mén)13 cháng duì (qī mén)14 shēn.
(Camphorwood Gate)13 often faces (Cycle Gate)14 deep.

CV: 任脈 (Conception Vessel/ Rén mài)

Rén mài èr sì qǐ (huì yīn)1,
Conception Vessel’s twenty-four points begin at (Yin Convergence)1,

(曲骨)2 (中極)3 (關元)4 銳,
(qū gǔ)2 (zhōng jí)3 (guān yuán)4 ruì,
(Bent Bone)2 (Central Pole)3 (Origin Pass)4 sharp,

(石門)5 (氣海)6 (陰交)7 仍,
(shí mén)5 (qì hǎi)6 (yīn jiāo)7 réng,
(Stone Gate)5 (Sea of Qi)6 (Yin Junction)7 remain,

(神闕)8 (水分)9 (下脘)10 配,
(shén què)8 (shuǐ fèn)9 (xià wǎn)10 péi,
(Spirit Portal)8 (Water Divide)9 (Lower Epigastrium)10 accompanies,

(建里)11 ((上脘))12-13 相連,
(jiàn lǐ)11 (zhōng (shàng wǎn))12-13 xiāng lián,
(Inner Health)11 (Central (Upper Epigastrium))12-13 mutually connect,

(巨闕)14 (鳩尾)15 蔽骨下,
(jù què)14 (jiū wěi)15 bì gǔ xià,
(Great Watchtower)14 (Dove Tail)15 are below the sheltering bone [xiphoid process],

(中庭)16 (壇中)17 (玉堂)18
(zhōng tíng)16 (tán zhōng)17 mù (yù tang)18,
(Central Courtyard)16 (Chest Center)17 admires (Jade Hall)18,

(紫宮)19 (華蓋)20 (璇璣)21 後,
(zǐ gong)19 (huá gài)20 (xuán jī)21 hòu,
(Purple Palace)19 (Floral Canopy)20 (Jade Pivot)21 behind,

(天突)22 結喉是(廉泉)23
(tiān tū)22 jié hóu shì (lián quán)23,
(Celestial Chimney)22 binds at the laryngeal prominence with (Ridge Spring)23,

chún xià wǎn wǎn (chéng jiāng)24 shě.
Under the lower lip (Sauce Receptacle)24 resides.

GV- 督脈 (Governing Vessel/ Dū mài)

Dū mài zhōng xíng èr shí qī,
Governing Vessel takes the middle path with twenty-seven points,

(長強)1(腰俞)2 (陽關)3 密,
(cháng qiáng)1 (yāo shū)2 (yáng guān)3 mì,
(Long Strong)1 (Lumbar Shu)2 (Yang Pass)3 dense,

(命門)4 (懸樞)5 (脊中)6
(mìng mén)4 (xuán shū)5 jiē (jĭ zhōng)6,
(Life Gate)4 (Suspended Pivot)5 connects with (Spinal Center)6,

(筋縮)8 (至陽)9 (靈台)10 逸,
(jīn suō)8 (zhì yáng)9 (líng tái)10 yì,
(Sinew Spasm)8 (Yang Extremity) 9 (Spirit Tower)10 leisure,

(神道)11 (身柱)12 (陶道)13 長,
(shén dào)11 (shēn zhù)12 (táo dào)13 zhăng,
(Spirit Path)11 (Body Pillar)12 (Kiln Path)13 grows,

(大椎)14 平肩二十一,
(dà zhuī)14 píng jiān èr shí yī,
(Great Hammer)14 is level with the 21rst vertebrae [under C7], 

(啞門)15 (風府)16 (腦戶)17 深,
(yǎ mén)15 (fēng fǔ)16 (nǎo hù)17 shēn,
(Mute Gate)15 (Wind Palace)16 (Brain Door)17 deep,

(強間)18 (後頂)19 (百會)20 牽,
(qiáng jiān)18 (hòu dǐng)19 (bǎi huì)20 qiān,
(Strong Space)18 (Rear Crown)19 (Hundred Convergences)20 lead,

(前頂)21 ()22 (上星)23 圓,
(qián dǐng)21 (xìn huì)22 (shàng xīng)23 yuán,
(Front Crown)21 (Fontanel Meeting)22 (Upper Star)23 round,

(神庭)24 (素髎)25 (水溝)26 窟,
(shén tíng)24 (sù liáo)25 (shuǐ gōu)26 kū,
(Spirit Courtyard)24 (Empty Bone-Hole)25 (Water Ditch)26 hole,

(兑端)27 開口唇中央,
(duì duān)27 kāi kǒu chún zhōng yāng,
(Mouth Extremity) 27 opens to the center of the upper lip,

(齦交)28 唇內任督畢。
(yín jiāo)28 chún nèi rèn dū bì.

(Gum Junction)28 is at the inner lip where Governing and Conception Vessels conclude. 


少陰藥方 Shaoyin Formulas

真武湯 (Zhen Wu Tang- True Warrior Decoction)

甘草湯 (Gan Cao Tang- Licorice Decoction)

黃連阿膠湯 (Huang Lian E Jiao Tang- Coptis- Gelatin Decoction)

苓桂草棗湯 (Ling Gui Cao Zao Tang- Poria, Cinnamon, Licorice, Dates Decoction)

腎氣丸 (Shen Qi Wan- Kidney Qi Pill)