

surprised to find distant blood relatives here in taichung 
laughter and old conversations, play on two flutes and a piano
how does the same blood that flows thru same bone from once upon a time- how are we connected? 
we all came from same blood and bone, once upon a time- how we do connect! 
we are all family 



i dreamed that i was running away... then i realized that who i was running from was weak and hurt as well, and all i needed to do was step forward,assert myself, truthspeak--- and comfort a fellow human being, once hurt, now hurting 



on full moon, first time climbing wall again since surgery 
exhilarating, dangerous, and delicious 
today, first time climbing a tree since surgery 
feels amazing 
i feel like i am a new born baby experiencing life for first time!


women circle

me, mama, sis

full moon, morning sun

aho mitakwe oyasin

rock talk

on a spiritual path, the most important elements are: 
1- connection with people 
2- mind-body-spirit physical practice (ie. yoga, chigong, etc) 
3- sitting meditation practice 



says the rock
lying in wait 
on roadside 

it's all interconnected
says roots locked together 
under rock across road
ants living and crawling underneath 

web of life

left-alone things GROW clipclop WAIT
RIPENING in sunshine, shadows, mindfields, spirit Oceans, and 
body ELECTRIC thunder lightning brainSTORM spiral
kundalinicious AWAKENINGS
burst into flame