

south indian, western chinese, and global monkey
south indian monkey looking for perfect victim to steal food from,
western chinese monkey looking for perfect butt-scratching place,
global monkey looking for perfect home for her

tiruvanamalai town, arunachala mountain, sacred south india

i learned here that regardless of the age, size, beauty, splendor, or
sacredness of these temples... nothing can compare to the vastness,
ancientness, majesty, gorgeousness, and absolute sacredness of Mama
Earth, her very self. that is all. so simple.

toes, beans, and guitar stick

running across slippery rainy road at night in Boudanath, Nepal-
slipped and fell into the gutter. couldn't sleep; heartbeat thumping
in my toe. wake up to two small purple grapes on my feet instead of
healthy toes... 2 weeks of no walking with infected toes that turned
into a week of fever, fatigue, and frequent fervent doodles on endless
pieces of cheap indian paper. now, china. toe grapes have diminished,
i can practice yoga again, can run and play again, but still am
careful- toe nails are shedding, it averages about 30-40 celsius here
as i sweat and sweat, my green beans are sprouting in my friends
japanese pot and i eat these life-filled beings daily (om), and thanks
to magic of couchsurfing found someone (thanks jeep) to bring my
little stick guitar from taipei over here (originally from vermont,
usa) for me to play along with my new friend jan's big guitar, a
native american flute from india, a bamboo flute from america, brass
singing bowl from nepal, and a voice from the universe (aren't we
all?)- filled with gratitude... and a lot of studying, prayer,
dreaming, being, and practice, practice, practice...

want to give my guitar stick a resonating box. got ideas, let me know.
thanks, peng you :)


mindful tea

take a moment 
make a cup of tea
your favorite herbs
drink it slowly 
really smell it 
taste it 
savor it

do this everyday
no thinking, just feeling 
enjoy your daily cup of 
mindful tea 


    jiling . 林基玲
    skype: Lin.JiLing 
    china: 183.138.34551
    qq: 1521559095
    usa: 626.344.9140

((( . love . gratitude . presence . )))

mailing address:
Jiling Lin, c.c. Kazu Koikeda, Annamaya
No.3 Taojiang Rd Xuhui District, Shanghai, 200031 China.

in CHINESE= 中国徐汇区桃江路三号 上海尔苑咖啡厅有限公司 和子


Tree of Balance

the Tree who can stand up to the fury of the Storm one day, and the next day dance in the soft Breeze and Sunshine is a Tree of Balance--- one who knows the peace of knowing, and one who others can rely upon for strength and guidance
- Tamarack Song

    jiling . 林基玲
    skype: Lin.JiLing 
    china: 183.138.34551
    qq: 1521559095
    usa: 626.344.9140

((( . love . gratitude . presence . )))

mailing address:
Jiling Lin, c.c. Kazu Koikeda, Annamaya
No.3 Taojiang Rd Xuhui District, Shanghai, 200031 China.

in CHINESE= 中国徐汇区桃江路三号 上海尔苑咖啡厅有限公司 和子


rain in dali, china

dark night, pouring rain, minimal umbrella 
i could be anywhere right now
but i am here
my home a country away, my home a world away, my home 
right here

tomorrow night in another town and another bed, but still wearing the same old dirty indian yellow shirt, and sleeping under the same yak-hair shawl i bought in nepal 
new friends today, new friends everyday 
"if we have affinity, then we will meet again," he says, catching my eye across the crowd of chanting old women in traditional bai-tribe outfits
it's time to go 
"if we have affinity," i repeat, and smile knowing that it's all affinity, it's all yuan-fen, it's all complete magic, synchronicity, and a blessed symphony of massive dimensions that we can only dream of

"we humans," said my new sculptor friend today, hands calmly massaging his bowl chipped on the outside and smooth on the inside, "we humans are like hair. if the universe is a human, then we are but hairs on the human. we are less than the leg hair or arm hair. but we think we are so much…" 
he merges taoist philosophy with each pot, each vase, each ceramic piece filled with loving kindness, calmness, and general goodwill
they will have a baby in 2 months 
in 2 months i will be… 

"you do too much," he says, as we share life stories, "just pick one thing and completely dedicate yourself into it."
the most powerful herbal infusion is not a mishmash of different herbs. one herb fills the bottle and you let it steep
dear life, how am i steeping? 
i have not even yet begun, small hair just beginning to be aware of being nothing but a small hair… 

"i am an artist," i said today, as she fondled my notebook and cooed love songs of all sorts to my companion-journal of 5 years, "life inspires me"


thrissur, india

Photo from a month ago, with some of my teacher Babuji's family in Thrissur, south India... people will often ask, "Aren't you scared?" regarding my travels. But... you must realize that this world is full of beautiful people. There are much more beautiful people than horrible people. If you project out a feeling of fear, then you will draw those few horrible people towards you. If you exude joy and love, then you shall draw that towards you as well. And also, you are born gifted with all the intuitive powers of an animal of the Earth, like any other, but coupled with a mind. Silence the mind, tune into intuition... and if your powers of attraction don't draw amazing people towards you, then your powers of intuition will help you know the difference between the "yes" and the "no" people.

May you say "yes" with passion, and "no" with conviction.
May you attract great beauty to yourself!


snowy mountains

jiling and lingjia, snowy mountains above deer park- magic