

i watched the moon today through a huge telescope
saw its' mountains, valleys, craters, and more...
moon in the sky,
always watching and knowing
having patiently and gently watched our ancestors as they crawled from water to land, swung from tree to earth, danced from earth to sky
i feel small yet massive
we are made of stardust
i felt meteors today
traveling so fast thru space at speeds i can't even imagine
to land, hunk of black magnetic metal
on our planet
we walk around on two legs and take ourselves so seriously
while the moon slowly moves away from the earth
our sun slowly dies
and dust, stones, and more spin and spin around saturn
who really is as magical looking and feeling as i've always imagined
we are more than just our two legs and our ridiculous seriousness
so much more
we are nothing and everything
all rolled into one great
magic mudball



i am obsessed
with throwing things away
and compacting things into small bins of the same sort
even though they're not my things
i think subconsciously
i know
that i am going somewhere
even if it's the same place
i am still going
and i am getting rid of
to make space for more


old and new day

going somewhere again in two weeks
if not going somewhere again
moment by moment
while remaining still and present

light being floating in space
from elemental connection
of caves, oceans, flames, and gusts of winds
to nothing and everythingness

fresh candles and glossy red lips today
remixing old wax for new candles
remixing old oils for new salves
and then stretching tall for a long bike ride

rebirthing experience from before until now
recreating old boxes into new possibilities
reframing my head until suddenly it's all clear
and then i will dye it a forest green, or desert red

hands that hold, hands that support
hands that give, hands that receive
hands that balance and move
and dance on their own, and dance of our own

the sky is grey today
and i am whatever colors the moments bring


trash and gifts

it's a nonstop thing
this cleaning business
it's not just my own trash i need to clean up, clear out
it's other people's trash too

i also hold trash from my parents, and their parents, and their parent's parents
and i hold trash from my friends, and their friends, and their friend's friends
and as if all that isn't enough
there's trash from the whole entire world too

but along with the trash comes gifts
gifts that sometimes hide the trash
gifts that sometimes hide behind the trash

i'm tired of cleaning
but oh does it feel nice when all the trash is gone
and i am just surrounded by gifts



drip-drop sunsets
melt and mold
into dewdrop day gleam
shine star morning sun
melting and molding
drip-drop rain glimmers
life-giving to dry dust dirt
mish mash mixing
to form mud glorious mud
by wind push pull drag run
to embrace
heat source light love of all