
sit-spot: noon to dusk- some mountain- Bethany, CT

I've been around Connecticut for a total of about 10 months now. Since getting into this state, I've only hitchiked twice: once to visit Justin, the other time today. The last time, it took forever. Today, it was about as smooth as it gets: I stick out my thumb at the first car that passes, he stops and picks me up, we have nice conversation and find things in common, I get where I need to go... right before it gets dark. How perfect? Completely perfect. :)
Oh, and of the 10 months, this is also the second time getting "lost." Rare occasion. I cherished it.
Violets, quite an array: purple, yellow, purple with white dots, white with purple dots, white and purple striped (like a circus, yes!)
Mosquitoes got a meal today. I followed the stream down, in an attempt to get back to the stream I started at... got to a waterfall, instead. A "private" waterfall. Landed in rich man's land. Was amazed I caught a ride immediately! Hitchhiking is a great way of dispelling preconceived notions... and sometimes underlining them.
Big rocks up to, around, and on top of the mountain. Fabulous rocks to dance on, sing to, sleep with. I enjoyed them; they enjoyed me; we had a grand old time.
And now my feet are sore from barefoot running, jumping, dancing, lost-and-found-making all afternoon... and I am very pleased. :)
The town from up high looks so small. The trees overshadow the town. Trees in what looks like four rows: the front row of tall soft green trees, second row of reddish trees, third row soft green again, fourth row darker green. And many songs running through my head, including a line, "I see blue skies, I see butterflies, for us." Looking up to blue skies and black butterfly, yellow butterfly, white butterfly, and bees too. Oh, there's beauty everywhere. (and then, no word songs, just heartbeat and breath songs. mmm yes, maybe the best song of all)


sit-spot: afternoon- horse field- Bethany, CT

I'm gathering dandelions. big wind blowing. grasses weaving and waving like green oceans with yellow bubbles. I'm in yellow bubble dandelion bliss. sticky sweetness on my fingers, a myriad of soft white tufted dreams floating by, tossed on the wind. blessings and blessings, wishes, dreams, hopes, and questions. which one will come true?

birds flying by on the wind, on the wind. flocks and families weave and soar through the blue and white. landed in green and yellow, i can only watch and wonder.