
taichong art museum adventures with ma

脈輪靈性瑜伽 chakra yoga

Some basic asanas/ yoga positions to help open/ balance each chakra. Drew this book for a series of classes on chakras here in Taichung... Enjoy! 



dive into the red
into the root
this is where we begin 
we root down to rise up 
who are you 
where is your home 
who are your people 
why were you placed upon this Earth
primal needs
feed, bathe, clothe, and shelter me 
ancient repressed traumas that form who we are today 
and are our greatest gifts 
what hurts you the most once hurt you the most 
how does that sculpt your current reality 
who you are today
how are you moving 
from this place of 
ancient trauma 
small self 
sweet inner child screaming 
hold me 
how do we move from 

(photos from puja fire ceremony in Kerala, India) 


optimal living

i know what makes me happy 
and i know what doesn't 
i resolve to do more of what i love 
and leave or transform what i don't 

oh Creator, either help me transform my city experience, or help me leave in a good way- with all my lessons here finished 
and dear Creator, thanks for my family. thanks for Fate. thanks for all the wild and beautiful places on this planet. and thanks for my Life. 



how to heal after surgery

delicious life-loving exuberant vibrant life-giving red clover sprouts
earthy grounding binding soothing comfrey poultice 
intoxicating scents colors tastes friendship of mountain flower beauties

banyans and tea pots

pic 1 and 2= some of my favorite people chillin in some of my favorite trees around here: ancient banyan (ficus family) elders plus my blood-sister, tcm-big-bro, and chigong-lil-sis. mmm 

pic 3= gift from my distant aunt who lives in taichung... my first two teapots to call "mine"! very special little 土雞/ dirt chicken (that's one of my nicknames here- a dirt chicken is wild, independent, strong, adaptable and self-sufficient. it's opposite is a meat-chicken... use your imagination) teapot and 葫/ gourd (symbol of luck, and carried around by spiritual seekers and monks)