
this is life!

check it out. it's ban lan root. this is life essence.

this is life

my happiest moments are still in nature. here in the shenzhen city base camp, my favorite friend and ally is highly not present. sit spots are typically on the 9th floor roof, with a grand view of the whole city. rows and rows of windows. so, i get to search for the green goodness within myself. oh, goody.
the flowers and trees and plants here are amazing.
(so are you!)

this is work!

rubber bands, fun, indoor, or outdoor... i like our team

this is work

just to contrast with the office... here's a site visit prior to a program. note the mud all over me and the other foreigner, and how the locals have managed to remain mud free!
yangshuo, china. favorite place here thus far.
more office days than outdoor days though... and that is work. and thus is life. and that part is hard.
this photo shows the fun part of our program work. not photographed or noted are the high stress levels and tight rubber bands on the opposite end of the spectrum. again, thus is life?
china outdoor programs seem more stressful than the american programs i have led.
great learnings.

night-life: office home

a typical evening in the indier shenzhen home base... each to their own desk, each to their own computer. this is also our office.
note that these are all pieces, small chunks of life :)

this is dinner

a typical evening meal with the indier team at our home base in shenzhen... lots of meat, lots of oil, lots of white rice, and one or two plates of veggies (not their usual) for me and the other vegetarian


china kids- 2

same batch, different email

my china kids

can't see what i post... can't access blogs here. am emailing. thus all the repeats. ;p