

啊! 一個月又過了! 朋友, 家人們, 你好! 祝你滿月快樂!

滿月了。 我的鄰居野狼們在森林裡唱歌。 我剛從森林走回家, 生火。 我正在坐在火爐邊喝茶, 聽野狼的歌聲, 和享受窗外滿月的亮光。 這種日子真的太享受了!

昨晚, 下大雨。 我們每個星期四都在診所工作到很晚才回家。 我陪老師開車上山回家時, 剛好開始下大雨。 我喜歡看斜斜的雨一浪一浪的打在車窗上。 我們慢慢的開上山, 聊天。 我好喜歡聽老師的故事。 我的老師很會說笑話。 他的教課方式很特別。 他一點都不嚴肅。 他的課又零活有趣,又充滿了智慧和知識。 這個老師是我生活中最喜歡的某一個老師。 真感恩。 

昨晚回到家之後, 看到木屋裡了地板都是水。 雨下太大了, 屋頂漏水了! 雖然住在這兒感覺又豐富又浪漫, 但也沒那麼容易! 我需要把水從鄰居家提到木屋。 木屋裡沒電, 沒水。 我用毛巾和臉盆搓身體洗澡。 我每天晚上用蠟燭和頭燈來讀書。 早上, 如果前天沒下雨, 我就練瑜伽在木屋旁邊。 那兒的地被我天天練瑜伽都踩平了。 

今晚在滿月月光底, 我在森林散步, 感覺好滿足, 心中充滿了愛。 我對這塊土地感到好多愛。 我看了它春夏秋的神聖轉變。 現在要進入冬眠了。 

我要陪著野鴨往西邊飛了。。。 我對離開這兒感到很傷心, 但也要提醒我自己: 學期要結束了。 時間到了。 我需要把我所有所學的智慧帶出去, 繼續分享, 繼續學習, 繼續探險, 冒險, 和慢慢的創世界, 闖世界, 幫世界上的人們打開心中的窗口, 呼吸新鮮空氣, 跳出窗外, 在月光底陪著野狼和貓頭鷹朋友們野蠻美好開心又創又闖的跳舞, 跳舞, 跳舞! 整夜整天, 身心靈, 野創靈舞蹈。 

我無法用我知道的中文解釋我心中的感覺, 唱出我心中的詩歌。 所以, 只能創造我自己的字和語法, 來至我美國人的腦袋。 希望你聽的懂! 

除了藥草學以外, 我現在還在教瑜伽和鋼琴。 我也做陪著女人圈創舞蹈和唱歌, 表演。 從這兒的舞蹈圈, 我交了一些新朋友。 我陪新朋友開始學systema武術基本式。 下個月, 學期結束之後, 我也要開始陪又個新朋友交換音樂: 我教他鋼琴, 他教我吉塔。 我的生活充滿了學習, 人朋友, 森林朋友, 植物朋友, 和。。。 書朋友! 太棒了。 

學校下個月就結束了! 時間過來太快了! 我和兩個學姐們是老師的apprentice, 要留到十二月才離開。 我很不想要離開!!! (但時間到了。 傷心! 但, 感恩。) 

我現在打算十二月離開之後去拜訪一些東北部的朋友, 然後飛或是搭火車回加州拜訪爸媽一兩個禮拜。 去拿車子, 然後開車去Colorado州去陪下一個老師獅子培訓(哈哈。。。獅子!師徒?)。 我打算繼續學藥草治療方式。 好,哦!!! 

晚了。 火快滅了。 我不要加更多木頭。 明天一大早要陪我情愛的老師和學生們上山去享受秋葉, 和討論冬天的樹和植物, 藥方, 等。 現在, 我要窩進溫暖的毛毯堆去放鬆,睡覺, 做月底夢了。 明早, 再跳舞起床, 陪老師, 陪森林, 陪所有朋友們, 去學習, 冒險, 探索, 和享受人生的高高低低, 點點滴滴, 夢想呈現出來的舞蹈。 


敬, 基玲

Jiling . 林基玲 
  626.344.9140 / 607.262.0302



during yoga practice this morning 
wet leaves on the ground from 
sunrise rainfall
golden leaf showers falling 
autumn all around 
I looked up as I rose up from a forward bend 
bow down to the Earth
rising up, catching my own eyes in my little mirror 
surrounded by feathers
I caught myself 
smiling into my own eyes in the mirror and 
I caught myself
I caught someone and
something brief, glinting, rare, transient 
I paused in my practice 
to look more deeply into my own eyes 
caught by my own gaze 
these eyes 
the skin, the face that surrounds the eyes 
this body that moves, breathes, dances so fluidly 
it feels pain, joy, flow, divinity 
I feel pain, joy, flow, divinity 
and it is all passing through 
passing on by 
movement constant 
awareness fleeting
like so many geese flying south 
the crows dancing on the thermals 
responding to my caws by flying back
looping around in the sky
thus goes these eyes 
these transient shining eyes 
with skin, a face that changes moment to moment, and daily 
I am getting older
my friends and family are all getting older
this life waits for no one
I tear my eyes away from my own eyes
reflected in the mirror 
reflecting and flexing my spine 
back downwards towards the Earth
inhaling my right leg back into a forward lunge
moving through my daily morning routine of sun salutations 
every movement a prayer 
of gratitude and deepest surrender 
a wakening of the body 
a tingling of the senses
a reconnection with the Universe 
this movement
dynamic equilibrium 

running downhill on the slippery orange autumn slope 
running down into a small grove of young trees
but they are still older than I 
they seem to hold me 
as I run down into their embrace
laughing at the cold wind bumping against my chest 
this week we studied the respiratory system 
I feel my breath flowing through my body 
I can see it interlacing with the breath of the rainbow-colored trees 
at the bottom of the hill, 
I fall to my knees
naturally curling myself into child position
a supine prayer position with my body curled into a turtle shape
my heart flat against the Earth
I breathe in and out 
deeply inhaling the autumnal sweetness of the Earth
and exhaling the heat of my own breath into the damp leaves below me 
and the rain falls down 
in fat droplets that saturate my spine 
and penetrate to my core
sending leaves raining down
like all the rainbows fluttering forth 
to blanket me in natural beauty
raindrops bouncing off the rainbow leaves below me
the sound of a zillion small drums dancing 
rhythmically pulsing 
with the beating of my heart
heavy against the forest floor 
fast from running 
and faster from pure 

exhale, exhale, exhale
in dance class
Teacher Wu taught us how to fly 
the secret is in the exhale 
when you leap into the air
leap on an exhale
allow the wind to grab you
spin you around
in acupuncture class 
Teacher Zeng taught us how to 
send energy while setting our own energetic boundaries 
setting needles into our patients
on the exhale 
perineum held tight
root chakra, mula bandha in yoga
exhale, exhale, exhale
Igor guides me around the trees
punching me over and over, 
in our systema martial arts practice 
exhale with each punch 
let it go 
let it fall away 

exhaling to fly
exhaling to establish boundaries
exhaling to relax into it all

do the autumn leaves also
as they 
let go
from the trees that held them
so dear 
to the