my body breathing each heartbeat beat thump pull drawing me
deep deep dark deeper into my
dream of a shadowy landscape
owl chasing bat
flying at me
i birdcall out a warning
so they don't fly into me
i saw where i need to go
a brief flash of knowing before all went dark
i hold onto that sense of knowing
body filled with sensations of the dampness of earth
smells of rich soil and fermenting leaves
moonlight in my heart
guiding me
stillness and echoes
stardust and ashes
i know where i am going
wrist- healing slow yet fast
just right
teaching again on saturday
vocal opening/ improvisation
and spirited yoga
sunset now, moon in front, sun in back, blue sky transitioning, birdsong and car echoes a blanket over my sticky skin, sweating all day from slow dancing to my breath and inner shifu, drums roaring in my chest, no escape
welcome to the now of all pain, balance, joy, love, bliss, anger, chaos, still sweetness